Faculty In the Media
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Sally Blount | |
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Alexander Chernev | |
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Camelia Kuhnen | |
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Thomas Lys | |
Kellogg School professors offer their expertise on a variety of topics, from finance and marketing to strategy and economics.
This year's Kellogg School Super Bowl Advertising Review was featured in nearly 1,500 news stories and generated nearly 1.1 billion media impressions. The event, led by Kellogg faculty members Tim Calkins, clinical professor of marketing, and Derek Rucker, associate professor of marketing, was featured in the New York Times, Ad Age, National Public Radio, Financial Times and Associated Press, among many other news outlets.
ABC World News with Diane Sawyer: "Virtual Reality Study Encourages Subjects to Save for the Future." On Dec. 9, Hal Ersner-Hershfield, visiting assistant professor of management and organizations, discussed his research on the use of virtual reality to convince young people to save for retirement.
Associated Press: (also appeared in the Chicago Tribune): "Big Corporate Deals are Coming Back as Companies Put Cash Stockpiles to Work." Thomas Lys, the Eric L. Kohler Chair in Accounting, commented in this Nov. 15 article on the return of mergers and acquisitions as a sign of economic vitality.
Associated Press: "New Year's Resolutions? Brain Can Sabotage Success." In this Jan. 3 article, Loran Nordgren, assistant professor of management and organizations, discussed why people have a hard time keeping resolutions.
Chicago Tribune: "Primary Matters." Election ballot research from Yuval Salant, assistant professor of managerial economics and decision sciences, was featured in the "Change of Subject" blog on Nov. 16. Salant's study found that being listed first on a ballot increases a candidate's likelihood of winning office by nearly 5 percentage points.
Daily Telegraph (U.K.): "Fast-Food Restaurants 'Not to Blame' for American Obesity." An Oct. 24 profile focused on the research of David Matsa, assistant professor of finance, who examined the connection between fast-food restaurants and obesity.
The Economist: "American States' Pension Funds: A Gold-Plated Burden." This Oct. 14 article highlighted a study co-authored by Associate Professor of Finance Joshua Rauh that estimated that unfunded liabilities from municipal pension plans totaled $574 billion.
European Financial Review: "Your Brain and Your Finances: Insights from Neuroeconomics." Associate Professor of Finance Camelia Kuhnen wrote about her research on neuroeconomics and behavioral finance in this Dec. 18 article.
FOX News Channel (Special Report with Bret Baier): On Dec. 10, Professor of Management & Strategy Donald Haider talked about Cabrini Green, a former public housing development in Chicago.
Globe and Mail (Canada): "Attention, Job-Seekers: Sit Up Straight." A Jan. 7 article profiled a study that suggests a "powerful posture" may have a greater impact on achievement than title and rank, and could influence whether a person lands a new job. The study was co-authored by Adam Galinsky, the Morris and Alice Kaplan Professor of Ethics and Decision in Management, and Li Huang, lecturer of management and organizations.
New York Times: "Sizing Up a Cheeseburger's Caloric Heft." This Oct. 3 article highlighted a study by Associate Professor of Marketing Alexander Chernev that examined people's ability to estimate calories.
NPR (On Point): "Business School Deans on the Future." Dean Sally Blount discussed the state of the U.S. economy and the future of business education in this Oct. 13 interview.
Times of India: "Indulging After a Hard Day's Work!" This Jan. 19 article profiled a study, co-authored by Associate Professor of Marketing Nidhi Agrawal, which found that after completing a "depleting task," people were "more likely to pass up the option that was most desirable, widest in scope and best in primary traits, and instead choose the option with lower-level features."