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Cheryl Hyman EMP-64 | |
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Mitch Myers EMP-64 and son Cole | |
With spring just around the corner, EMP-64 is looking forward to its five-year reunion. It is hard to believe that time has flown by so quickly, with none of us having aged a bit! Sure, there have been children added, new homes, moves, jobs, etc. — but youth is still vibrant for our group and will be demonstrated Reunion weekend!
Prior to the reunion however, some in our class wanted to provide an update, or perhaps even a sneak peek into some of the conversation topics that are sure to come up:
Denise DeMaio has changed jobs again. She writes, "I left Protiviti in September to become the chief auditor & EVP of TD Bank, America's Most Convenient Bank in Cherry Hill, N.J. We sold our house in Tinley Park and closed on our new home in New Jersey. Our son is in his second year of college at DePaul and lives by Wrigley Field. Our daughter is finishing her senior year of high school and is trying to decide which university she wants to attend in the fall. Life moves on and the DeMaios have entered a new chapter of their lives for which we are all excited." Congratulations, DeMaio family!
Tom Ellis writes to say that all is well with the Ellis family, "I am still working at Nielsen, running the N.A. Consumer Operations and will now be 'maximizing shareholder value' in a broader sense, as we IPO'ed in late January."
Cheryl Hyman continues to thrive in her new role as the City Colleges of Chicago chancellor. She was recently featured on WGN Channel 9 in Chicago, showing that her hard work and education have been the keys to her success. Great job, Cheryl. We are proud of your efforts!
Matt McPartlin had a surprise when he bumped into Kevin McShane EMP-63 at the Pitney Bowes Business Insight (PBBI) worldwide sales kick-off in Orlando, Fla. Kevin was hired as the vice president of North America sales for Portrait Software, which was acquired by PBBI in 2010. It just goes to show that it is a very small Kellogg world that we live in!
Travis Monke recently changed jobs. In his words: "I took the role of general manager of GE Healthcare's MRI business in Southeast Asia and relocated to Singapore. I started the job in January and it's been a great opportunity. I travel extensively in the surrounding countries: Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines. The weather is great and it is summer all year long, so I am not missing out on shoveling snow. If your travels bring you to this part of the world, EMP-64, please let me know. It would be great to meet." Congratulations, Travis!
Mitch Myers says that father and son are setting a goal of obtaining a black belt in kung fu. "I am not as flexible as I used to be, but I was able to pass the first white belt. Only nine more belts to go (and three more years)." Hayyyyy yahhhh!!!
Michael Phillips continues to connect/unite the class through the use of technology! Michael started up the EMP-64 group on LinkedIn and it took off like wildfire. At the moment, 36 of our classmates are in the group and it is growing daily — both in membership and in conversation. For those of you who haven't joined, get on board. Thanks, Michael!
John Potter had a moment in his busy life to drop a line. John and his family moved to Edina, Minn. in November. Further, he and his wife welcomed Owen into their family in July. Owen joined Will (6) and Caroline (3). John is still a partner at PwC and is focused on M&A. In addition, John has joined forces with Yolanda Daniel and Mitch Myers in our quest to reunite in 2011. Expect to be hearing from them in the coming months.
Dave Summers is at it again, from a technology standpoint, with a successful motor test for his company Universal Transport Systems, a leading high- speed global-passenger kit aircraft developer. The firm's Velocirapture aircraft (expected in 2011) will fly nonstop to any location on Earth in under an hour, carrying two people. It will operate from any airfield with a runway longer than 1,000 meters. The Velocirapture will fly at Mach 22, 75 km* up. This type of aircraft is now possible thanks to a revolutionary breakthrough in rocket-propulsion technology. UTS' patent-pending technology allows rocket engines to be as safe and reliable as small turbines, with much higher mass fractions. High-mass fractions allow a small rocket engine to take you to the edge of space and anywhere on the planet. EMP-64 expects that Dave will push Universal Transport Systems to a market cap in excess of $1 billion shortly, based on his leadership efforts in our final capstone course, where his team was the winner by far!
Charles Withrow was named a director of KPMG advisory and business effectiveness in northern California. In his new role, Charles will be designing and delivering strategic solutions for service operational excellence, supply-chain transformation, reverse support and supply logistics.
Team B update: Team B (Angela Talton, Charles Withrow, Joel Warren, Matt McPartlin, Ren Abraham, Svein Floden and Sanjoo Kapoor) held their annual holiday gathering (by phone) and while they had some scheduling challenges, it was great to catch up, hear everyone's updates, reminisce, give career advice and look forward to our next call!