Hiro Matsuzaki writes: "On the personal side, I have started a couple of new activities. One is a nonprofit organization called the Asian Education & Friendship Association (AEFA). AEFA has been building schools for the minor ethnic groups in the mountains of Indochina peninsula (about 100 in six years). In August, I visited one of the schools in mountainous village that is about a five-hour drive from Chiang Mai, Thailand. A couple of those hours are on bumpy unpaved and uphill roads. Another new challenge for me is lecturing about global communication to students in a university's engineering department where "Industrial English" is one of the department's compulsory subjects. I'm still continuing other activities with the Environmental Association, Transcultural Management Society and Japan-America Society. I also have given several lectures on global leadership, global communication and job searching at several universities and educational associations. I'm still active with a male chorus group and we have done several public appearances."