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Bride Emily LeMaster '06 and groom Eric O'Brien celebrate with friends. Back, from left: Seth Lasser '05, Tim Hill '06, Amy Scott, Spence McClelland '06, Phil Marineau '06, Eric Spielman '06, Chris Thorne '06, Heather Smith '06, Greg Trimmer '06, Jan Kengelbach '06 and Lance Garrison '07; middle, from left: Jamie Lasser, Becca Zoller, Michelle Devereux and Inessa Even (all '06); front, from left: Rod Feuer '06, Eric O'Brien, Emily LeMaster O'Brien '06, Sarah Sikowitz '06, Melissa Lynn '06 and Kate McCutcheon '06

Masahiro Hagiwara '06 with wife Masako at their wedding

  Kellogg alumni (all '06) at the Atami hot spring resort. Front, from left: Tak Tashiro, Tatsuro Sako and Masa Hagiwara. Back from left, Yuji Nagashima, Mas Kambe, Kats Ushikubo and Hiro Abe.
  Phil Hathaway '06 and Jessica proudly introduce Dana Ruth Hathaway
  Lax Madapaty '06, Jose Mario Guille '06, and Aparna Madapaty enjoy a night out in Mexico City.
  Lax Madapaty '06 and Aparna at the Pyramid of the Sun, Mexico.
  Bo Parfet '06 en route to the summit of Cho Oyu
  Bo Parfet '06 proudly displays the Kellogg flag on Cho Oyu.
  Gaurav Wadhwa '06 with wife Anjali and son Tejas
  Brendan Wright '06 and daughter Courtney admire little Alex

2006 — Full-Time

Hello, Class of 2006! Our first-ever Class Notes entry features quite a few significant events ranging from marriage to mountaineering. Read on:

Emily LeMaster and Eric O'Brien married on Oct. 7 in Atlanta.

Michelle Devereux, Inessa Even, Rod Feuer, Emily and Lance Garrison '07, Tim Hill, Jan Kengelbach, Seth '05 and Jamie Lasser, Melissa Lynn, Phil Marineau, Spence McClelland, Kate McCutcheon, Sarah Sikowitz, Heather Smith, Eric Spielman, Chris Thorne, Greg Trimmer and Becca Zoller attended the celebration.

Emily and Eric would like to say, "Thanks for getting keyed up with us," and also want to thank Greg and Spence, in particular, for their impressive swordfighting display. After a solid six months, Emily is happy to report that she is still working in marketing at Coke, where the stock price has risen by more than $5 per share. Coincidence? We think not.

Claire Perrin married Eric Boireau on Dec. 2 in Paris. They are the proof that two years spent on each side of the ocean can lead to a happy end!

Mahendra Nerurkar wedded his sweetheart, Pooja, in Pune, India (Mahendra's aunt was Pooja's teacher when she was learning Kuchipudi, a traditional Indian dance). The traditional Indian wedding, attended by several Kellogg classmates, including Dylan Dias, Tarun Pande, Suveer Kothari and Pradeep Gode, was full of music, dance and festivities and had a unique Latino theme, since Pooja's family owns a Mexican restaurant in Pune. Mahendra, who works with Mercer Consulting, now lives with Pooja in the River North area of Chicago with their 4-month-old golden retriever, Deshmukh.

Masahiro Hagiwara writes, "After graduation, I joined Bain & Company in Tokyo and started a consulting life, which is too exciting, and on Nov. 26, I married Masako Iwata at Lawry's Tokyo, where Kellogg alumni organize TG Tokyo every quarter. Celebrating a new year, some Class of 2006 Kelloggians enjoyed playing golf at Atami, a famous hot spring resort near Tokyo. As we enjoyed too much Japanese sake on the day before playing, some of them had a terrible hangover."

On Aug. 31, Katherine and Greg Krafcik welcomed Connor Krafcik into the world. The family of three is living happily in the Bay Area.

Andrea Jackson had a baby boy, Alexander Stephen Jackson, on Sept. 12 (his dad's birthday). They are all doing very well and are settled into life in New York City. Stephen is working at Deloitte Consulting and Andrea in healthcare investment banking at JPMorgan.

Phil Hathaway and his wife, Jessica, welcomed their first child, Dana Ruth Hathaway, into the world on Oct. 18. Mom and baby are doing well and enjoying their first winter in Seattle.

Yaniv Zief and his wife, Becky, welcomed their first child, baby girl Yael, on Oct. 29. Mom and baby are doing well and enjoying winter in the nation's capital. Yaniv is working with American Capital in Bethesda.

Brendan Wright and his wife, Shera, welcomed son Alex to the world on Dec. 18. Brendan writes, "He's a little blond-haired boy, and everyone is doing well, including his big sister Courtney (5). This past year we also had a house built, so the springtime project is to put a swingset/playscape in the back yard. We are currently enjoying the (mostly) nice winter weather in Houston."

Peter Wood and his wife, Alex, recently had their first child. Their son, Connor Tod Wood, was born Dec. 27 at Evanston Northwestern Hospital. Connor weighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces at birth. Connor and Alex are doing well. Peter was happy to add two weeks of paternity leave to the end of his Christmas vacation from Abbott Labs.

Gaurav Wadhwa and wife Anjali welcomed their first child, Tejas Wadhwa, on Feb. 10. Both mom and son and are doing great.

Bo Parfet recently made the summit of Cho Oyu (the sixth-tallest mountain in the world). He was surprised to find out that he became the youngest American to ski Cho Oyu. Bo is an entrepreneur in real estate and a professional mountaineer. He is currently training for his second attempt to scale Mt. Everest.

Lax Madapaty and his wife, Aparna, vacationed in Mexico in December. The highlight of their trip was meeting up with Jose Mario Guille in Mexico City for some good times and old Kellogg stories. They also visited the Pyramid of the Sun on their way to Puebla, Oaxaca, Puerto Escondido and Huatulco. Lax is currently working at Microsoft in Seattle, and Jose Mario works with Booz Allen Hamilton in Mexico City.

A crew of 2006 grads managed to get a couple of hours off work to congregate at one of Washington, D.C.'s finest watering holes — Buffalo Billiards. The warm weather and long work hours these newly minted MBAs had endured were catalysts for what turned into quite a raucous evening. No, it was not the Deuce, Pete Miller's, or even the Keg on a Tuesday night, but it was great for all to catch up and learn who else was living in the nation's most powerful city. Attendees included Sachin "milk 'n' honey" Gupta, Dave Neumann, Mike Keymer, Andrew Cromey, Simon Frewer, Jason Maga, Noreen Khowaja and Greg Trimmer. Activities included reminiscing about the "good old days," complaining about work, and dancing the Canadian salsa. Look for part deux of the reunion in Q1.

Dylan Dias '06, Suveer Kothari '06, Pooja, Mahendra Nerurkar '06, Pradeep Gode '06 and Goldy Nataraj at Mahendra and Pooja's wedding in Pune.
Bride Claire Perrin '06 and groom Eric Boireau smile for the cameras with Kellogg friends in France. From left: Arnaud Violland '05, Antoine Borde '06 (with baby Matteo), Claire Perrin '06, Eric Boireau, MaÔte Borde, StÈphanie Girardet and FrÈdÈrique Bordon '06
©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University