— Full-Time
Vandendriessche writes: "I am happy to report that we are on the move again, this
time from Boca Raton, Fla., where we have been living for
the last 10 years, to the Washington D.C. area. We are all
very excited to move to our nation's capital, with four seasons
and a little closer to Chicago. Colleen and the kids —
Camille (15), Patrick (13) and Drew (12) — are very
happy about the move and are looking forward to making new
friends from all over the world. The move is expected at the
end of the school year (June 2007). In the meantime, I am
commuting to my new digs on K Street, where I have recently
assumed the position of managing director and chief operating
officer of Paperboy Ventures after spending my last six years
with Lehman Brothers. Paperboy Ventures is a leading venture
capital fund investing in life sciences, applied technology
and cleantech companies. I hope to find a larger Kellogg alumni
pool in Washington, D.C. than in south Florida."