diggity, it’s great to see our class staying so closely
connected after graduation! We’re doing a lot of traveling,
emailing, phone calling, and getting married to keep those
‘03 bonds intact, and we now have even more ways
to strengthen our class network.
course, you all know that our first reunion (sniff -- ) is
rapidly approaching. Yep, Reunion 2004 will be April 30 to
May 2, and it’s going to be outstanding! By now, you
should have received lots of info about the action-packed
weekend, which will include an evening at the Rock Bottom
Brewery planned just for our class. Visit the Reunion ‘04
Web site for more details ─ alumni.kellogg.northwestern.edu/reunion
and sign up to join many of your old friends.
Fitzpatrick '03, left, and Stephen Koven '03 abandoned
their respective coasts to meet up in Dallas for this
year's Cotton Bowl. It was Stephen's 14th straight year
to volunteer for this college classic, while Brian is
officially not a rookie anymore when it comes to sideline
have you checked out the new alumni network? It’s at
alumni.kellogg.northwestern.edu. It’s pretty impressive,
with tons of new resources for alumni, including our own dedicated
Class of ‘03 Web site. Please take a few moments to
update your personal info, including your forwarding email,
so we can all more easily find each other and you can be informed
of upcoming events for our class ─ including future
Kellogg World submission deadlines! Also, please feel
free to use our Class of ‘03 discussion boards and Web
site (photos welcome) to share the love.
continue to send us news about what’s happening in your
lives in between editions of Kellogg World! We hold
on to these snippets of hot press, as well as photos that
you send, and save them for the next publication so we can
share them with our whole class. Fifteen minutes of fame,
served up on glossy 8.5 by 11 paper.
what’s up with the Class of ‘03? You asked for
it -- Let’s begin this edition in an old familiar way,
the wedding of Arturo Vera '03 and Denise Lazo '03 as
they stand before the mighty Machu Picchu in Peru are,
starting fourth from left, second row, Adam Eisenberg,
Denise Lazo, Arturo Vera, Karren Levis, Greg Kerman, Elaine
Schulze, and Brian Fitzpatrick, all '03. |
start with our beloved Mexican introvert, Juan Martinez.
And why shouldn’t we? After graduation, Juan “became
a college student again” when he embarked on a road
trip with his 22-year-old brother and 18-year-old cousin.
(Anyone else thinking “Y Tu Mama Tambien?”) Their
journey took them all over Mexico, from pre-Colombian ruins to jungles, anthropological sites,
and untouched beaches. Alas, Juan finally settled down --
so to speak -- with a boutique investment bank in Mexico City, Pablo Rion y Asociadios. He currently shares an apartment
with Tomas Lange (finance manager with Allied Domecq
Spirits and wines), and he visits his hometown of Veracruz twice a month. Of course, he has already spent long weekends
in Cancun, Acapulco, and Monterrey. Can any of those hot spots compare to McManus 208, however?
As if.
City isn’t big enough for just two ‘03 grads. Jorge
Martinez and Roberta have just moved into their new house
there as well, where Jorge works at Cargill and Roberta at
ITAM (a renowned finance university in Mexico).
Martinez '03, center, stops to rest with his brother and
cousin in front of a Pre-Colombian temple at Palenque
in Chiapas, Mexico. |
in the world is Selman Careaga? Well, he’s landed
in Mexico
too, where he’s working for BoozAllen. But there’s
even bigger news for the Careaga clan. He and Paola just celebrated
the baptism of their first baby son, Nicolas, who was born
in September in San Diego! Some of Kellogg’s finest attended the big celebration,
including the German-Argentinean-now-Mexican Tomas Lange,
Jorge Martinez, Eduardo Meynet, Juan Martinez,
and Santiago Rivera.
of Santiago Rivera, he, Georgina, and
Santiago Jr. have settled down in -- you’ll never believe
this -- Mexico City, where Santiago began
working in investment banking and has now entered the world
of entrepreneurship.
right. Time to leave Mexico City and travel around South America
a bit in search of some classic Kellogg love.
Vera and Denise Lazo
were married in Peru over the summer and were joined by a number of Kellogg family
members in Lima, Cusco and Machu
Mej”a and Carolina were joined in holy matrimony in Manizales, Colombia, before Pedro started his job with McKinsey Bogota (of course,
he’s now married to McKinsey). Kellogg pals in attendance
at the wedding were Eduardo Meynet, Francisco Covarrubias,
Mariano Ramos and Enrique Carrizosa.
are also in order for our own Mauricio Angulo. He and
Daniela Damant were married in Sao Paulo, Brazil, on Dec. 21. Must’ve been Mauricio’s dance moves.
now we bring it back stateside for some more updates.
Henrich '02 and Pam Supanwanid '03 |
heard from Pam Supanwanid, who is living in Bangkok until mid-summer with Jan Henrich ‘02. Pam is currently
planning to return to the States for a residency in physical
medicine and rehabilitation. In the meantime, she’s
been brushing up on her German, taking dancing lessons, and
squeezing in some skiing in the Alps.
to the weddings: Alicia Fang was married in San
Francisco the week after graduation. Guests from the Class of ‘03
included Michael Liu, Ashishi Suri, Eric
Whaley, Miguel Hernandez and Megumi Naito.
Marcus married Tony Roth in a ceremony on Cape Cod in
July. Of course, Kellogg was well represented in the cheerful
Marcus '03 (now Roth) with husband Tony Roth and their
Kellogg School wedding-day crowd
July 26, Esteban Delgado married his college sweetheart,
Tiana, in Fort Worth,
Texas. Then they celebrated their long-awaited marriage with a
two-week trip through the South Pacific (Tahiti, Moorea,
and Bora Bora). They definitely recommend this vacation to anybody who
wants to get away from it all! In November, Esteban returned
to the “real world” as a strategic business analyst
for Zyman Group LLC. The management consulting firm was founded
by Sergio Zyman, former CMO for The Coca Cola Company and
author of The End of Marketing as We Know It, to assist
companies in developing and aligning their corporate and marketing
strategies. Esteban’s current client: one of the largest
breweriesin the world! How’s that for combining work
and play?!
Lifshin and Justin Silverman
were married Sept. 7 at Oheka Castle in Cold
Spring Hills,
N.Y. It was a beautiful day and a number of Kellogg friends joined
in a great celebration. Dina and Justin honeymooned in South Africa in December.
classmates also gathered for the wedding of Dean Peterson
and Christy in Atlanta in September. Dean is currently enjoying life as a product
manager at Bosch.
friends smile for the camera at the wedding of Natasha
Salij '03 and Doug Deckmann in October. Pictured, from
left, are Shari Gordon ë03, Brian Schaer, Gina Schaer
ë03, Julie Sneider ë03, Brian Peller '02 and
Greg Lief '03.
Oct. 4, Natasha Salij and Doug Deckmann made it official.
Several Kellogg grads (‘03 and ‘02) were in attendance.
The happy couple honeymooned in Greece and visited another Kellogg alum, Elly Andriopoulou ‘01,
who has moved back to Greece. They are now back in Boston, and Natasha is working for Mercer Management Consulting.
Olson married Amy Antoniolli
on Sept. 13 in Trento, Italy. The couple currently resides in Chicago.
Kelloggians from the Class of '03 made
the trip to Chicago in November for the wedding of classmates
Laura Schulman and Sam Pollack. Pictured, from left, front
row, Amy (DiMarzio) Zella, Stacy Arend, Denise (Lazo)
Vera. Back Row, Dan Cohen, Arturo Vera, Todd Solow, Laura
(Schulman) Pollack, Sam Pollack, Shari Gordon, Kim (Rosenkoetter)
Powell, Julie Sneider, Jason Ross and Brian Peller
Schulman and Sam Pollack married in Chicago on Nov. 2. Quite a few Kellogg friends were on hand to share
in the celebration, including Stacy Arend, Dan Cohen,
Shari Gordon, Geoffrey Lasry ‘02, Mike Masters,
Jerome Ng, Brian Peller ‘02, Kim (Rosenkoetter)
Powell, Jason Ross, Julie Sneider, Todd
Solow, Arturo Vera, Denise (Lazo) Vera and
Amy (DiMarzio) Zella.
13 was a memorable day for Alyssa Pohl and Matt Barrett,
as they joined the ranks of the Kellogg newlyweds in a Chicago wedding.
what comes next? You guessed it -- the kids.
dad JJ Betts '03 spends some quality time with his daughter,
Ellie. |
Betts and Mandy are proud
to announce the birth of Eloise (Ellie) Manning Betts. Their
beautiful baby girl was born Oct. 3 and everyone’s doing
Trowbridge and wife Ali welcomed Annabelle Durand Trowbridge on Oct.
3. Annabelle weighed 8 pounds, 3 ounces, and was 21 inches
long. Jeb writes, “Ali and Annabelle are doing great.
Ali is working at Kenilworth Union Church as associate pastor
for youth and family ministry. She was ordained by the Chicago
Presbytery this past fall. I am working at The Tribune Co. as marketing
manager of the Chicago edition of Hoy, the Spanish-language daily that launched
in September. We look forward to seeing everyone back in Evanston at the reunion!”
Trowbridge '03 with Annabelle Durand Trowbridge, born
Oct. 3. |
'03 and Padmaja Raghavapudi received the ultimate gift
Dec. 25 — their son, Rishi. |
Scholpp '03 and wife Elaine introduce Alexander Henry
to the Kellogg community. Alexander was born Jan. 10.
Miller '03 and wife Rachel Gold snowshoeing in the Cascade
Mountains in Washington State. |
day brought an adorable baby boy, Rishi, to Ravi Raghavapudi
and Padmaja. Rishi, which is a Sanskrit word meaning “seer,”
is defined as “man of right vision and action,”
or “sage.” Yoda, anyone? Ravi and Padmaja’s little fella is doing very well, and
we’re glad to have him as part of the extended Kellogg
Scholpp and Elaine welcomed Alexander Henry into the world on Jan. 10. Mom and
baby Scholpp are doing fine, and Chuck is savoring the many
coos, yawns, stretches, inquisitive glances, hand clenches
and attempted smiles. Nice work, Chuck and Elaine!
brings us to all the remaining news about jobs, Kellogg gatherings
and the like.
been pretty exciting for Fabio Sisinni since graduation
in June. Instead of returning to Italy, he and Cristiana decided to stay in Chicago for at least another couple of years and settled into an
apartment in Lincoln
Park last July. Fabio rejoined AT Kearney around that time and
restarted traveling, working late hours and substituting milk
with Red Bull at breakfast. At the end of September, they
celebrated their religious wedding in a 6th-century church
in Rome, followed by a short honeymoon in Tuscany. Cristiana recently began doing marketing for a company that
imports goods from South
America and sells
them to large retailers.
spending two months in Japan following graduation, Jan Sodprasert moved back to
Thailand in early September and started working with McKinsey in October.
She’s working in Jakarta through the first part of the year.
Pearman finally landed her dream job in Boston. Starting in mid-September, she began working at Digitas,
an integrated marketing agency/consulting firm, as a manager
in its strategy and analysis group. Leti and Mandy Taft, who’s
working for The Bridgespan Group, are enjoying their new apartment
in Jamaica Plain, a neighborhood just south of Boston.
Miller reports that he
and his wife Rachel Gold moved to Seattle last September so Rachel could begin studying environmental
law at the University
of Washington. Josh is now the director of Jconnect Seattle, a nonprofit
venture that is helping Jewish grad students and young professionals
network and build community. They are enjoying their return
to the Left Coast, are eating a lot of smoked salmon and have picked up a new
hobby: snowshoeing!
notice the cool new Diet Coke with lime in stores by now?
Well, that’s what’s consumed John Kim’s
life over the last six months. He reports that launching a
new product was a great introduction to The Coca-Cola Co., and he enjoyed seeing how stuff he learned at Kellogg impacted
the launch. He loves Atlanta and the 60-degree weather in January.
Liu has been happily
working at the Chicago office of BCG since October. Prior to that, our international
Kellogg ambassador was spotted globetrotting to San Francisco
for Alicia Fang’s wedding, Houston to golf with
Jie Zhang, Washington D.C. (traveling with Ankur
Malik and Miriam Claes) to visit Britta Iwen
and Asia for three weeks ─ where he saw Jan Sodprasert,
Urapa Nontasut ‘04, Nori Ueno and Dan
to the Class of '03 from Melbourne! Pictured, from left,
Dnyanesh Patkar, Kanchan Patkar '03, and Naveen Chandra
Patkar and her husband, Dnyanesh, are well settled in Wisconsin and surviving the brutal cold. Kanchan is enjoying her new
position in marketing at Kimberly-Clark in Appleton. They recently visited Melbourne in December and met up with Naveen Chandra for dinner.
what happened to Francisco Covarrubias? He was so moved
by Michael Dell’s inspirational words during his Kellogg
visit that he moved to Austin, Texas, to work for Dell Computers. Now that’s passion,
favorite Sprinties, Matt Gunter and Jessica Yang,
tell us that Sprint local telephone division hosted Kellogg’s
own Professor Christie Nordhielm at the Overland Park, Kan.,
headquarters for a full-day marketing seminar featuring “The
Big Picture” framework. During this day-long session,
the 145 members of the telco’s consumer markets group
were drilled on the business objective, marketing objective,
source of volume, and STP. Jessica claims Professor Nordhielm
did a great job of cold-calling senior execs. Nice!
Amurthur is currently working at Guidant Corp., leading its emerging
technology investment initiatives.
forever! Jeff Fleishman '03 makes a pal quickly in his
new job on 'The Street'. |
talk about a dream job. Jeff Fleishman landed a job
on the Street -- Sesame Street, that is. He’s doing business development for its interactive
media group.
Fleck has settled into
his life as a consultant with Bain & Co. in Boston. Clearly, they haven’t seen the Special K ‘02
Powell is working in
Washington, D.C., as an associate director of marketing and sales for the
Corporate Executive Board. Clearly, they haven’t seen
the Special K ‘03 video.
Leschly writes (and we don’t dare try to edit the words of
the CPO): “Despite numerous attempts by the Firm, I
am still keeping the clubbing spirit high in continental Europe. Latest stunt was an all-nighter followed by a day of personal
testing during a rigorous training session in Prague. A clubbers club reunion is being planned sometime soon somewhere
around or in between Brussels and Amsterdam. Those interested in joining should give a shout via email.
One potential obstacle may be the Firm’s latest wicked
attempt to ship me off to China, probably to do some kind
of pro-bono work studying best-practice cooking of the Nuang
minority in Southern Guangxi. Stay tuned, your CPO.”
Winarto '03 and his son, Owen, pause for a photo while
chatting about their mutual fondness for global affairs,
football, and Kiss music. |
Winarto has traveled around the globe twice for work, taking in both Europe and Asia. Andre
is an innovation leader at Akzo Nobel Polymer Chemicals, and
writes business plans for new ventures funded by the company.
On his recent trip back from Taipei, Andre bumped into fellow cash cow Daisy Hatch in
L.A, who was also heading back to Chicago to attend a wedding. And the Kellogg reunion continued when
Daisy and Andre met Dean Jain and Brian Gauck at their
gate from San Francisco. Although traveling is fun, Andre prefers spending time at
home with the family, though, and still has high hopes that
his son Owen will one day play for Liverpool Football Club.
Andre is also starting up the Kellogg Aussies Abroad Alumni
Club to help all expat Aussies to build their network while
Schaer '03 and Claudine Coto '03 enjoy post-graduation
life on an elephant trek adventure outside Kanchanaburi,
Lee, trader in interest
rate derivatives at Barclays Capital, has gone on assignment
to London to trade dollar swaps and options.
Kasarda is currently a financial analyst with Hewlett-Packard in Fort Collins,
Colo. Having started work July 1, he does not have an exciting
two-month post-graduation round-the-world trip to report on,
but he did have fun in the sun in Miami and Rio over the holidays. If anyone is passing through the Denver area, be sure to drop him a line.
Moore is senior financial
analyst at Hewlett-Packard in its supplies division. He is
working just outside Portland, Ore., and he, his wife Sandy,
and son Joseph love living in the town of Camas, Wash. They
have welcomed visitors such as Rob Zamacona, Yelena
Lungin, Rob Stephenson, Ben Burke and Laura,
Joey Olivier and Barry Grant. Mark and Sandy
believe that everyone will one day end up living in Camas.
Helm recently joined
Diageo as the new commercial marketing manager for key markets.
Nakata is back at Bain
& Co. (in the Los Angeles office) and looking forward to seeing all of the Kellogg
Bainies at training in Miami in March. She reports that John Schweiger is working
in Afghanistan as a field officer for USAID (U.S. Agency for International
a journey to Laos, Joey Olivier '03 makes new friends
in a tiny riverside village.
Olivier is now working for Booz Allen in Houston, and he’s diggin’ it.
Eisenberg is living in Lower
Silesia on the
banks of the Odra River. He is working in private equity for MCI Management S.A.
in Wroclaw, Poland, and Innova Capital in Warsaw. During his free time he enjoys skiing in Karpacz (the jewel
of the Karkonosze Mountains) and driving his Skoda. That all sounded extremely exotic
until the “Skoda” part, Adam.
friends gathered in Lake Geneva,
Wis., in early January to celebrate the 30th birthday of Chris
Nolte with a weekend of food, fun, and board games. Chris
and his lovely wife, Sue, are living in Kenosha, Wis. Kenosha is like Chicago, on a smaller scale.
a surprise for Chris Nolte '03, as a group of Kellogg
classmates showed up (thanks to his wife, Sue) at his
cabin in Lake Geneva, Wis., for his 30th birthday! Pictured,
clockwise from front left, Joann Nahmias, Amit Nag '03,
Bill Nahmias '03, Barry Grant '03, Tom Brown '03, Amy
(Tom's friend), Sue Nolte, Chris Nolte '03, Dan Gingiss
'02, Jodi (Matthes) Gingiss '03, Maria (Jodi's friend),
Kim (Rosenkoetter) Powell '03 and Andy Powell '03