Calling all outstanding pledges!
Our three-year class gift pledge period is nearing its
end. Please help the Class of 2000 achieve 100 percent
fulfillment on our class gift. Complete your pledge by
Aug. 31!
ladies and gentlemen and lurkers of all ages, it has
been a while. But I am back
after a long hiatus ─ kind of like Tony Soprano,
except I’m cuter. (And apparently a lot less modest!)
Anyway, what we need is a year in review.
Weddings: My
first order of business is to clear up what has turned
into the longest and increasingly unfunny joke in history
regarding my nonexistent romance with one Anthony Elarth.
Elarth and I are not married. Or engaged. Or dating. Or
doing ANYTHING that would get us dragged in front of a
Senate subcommittee. That whole engagement rumor started
because I felt I deserved some new flatware, so Elarth
and I thought it would be funny to register at Crate & Barrel
and see if there are just random people out there who go
around filling people’s registries to make the world
a better place. The story became plausible because Elarth
moved in with me for a few months when he first got to Chicago, before settling into his own place. But playing house notwithstanding,
we are just friends and always have been only that. However,
if you would like to buy us something off our registry,
we would be really grateful. Anthony is a fan of the Scrubby
Sponges, blue, whereas I would rather have the Fake Pumpkin,
large. And we will be sure to send you a lovely handwritten
thank-you card outlining how much we love our [insert gift
here] and how we will have you over soon so that we can
show you how we prominently display our new [insert gift
As much as I would like to get
gifts for no other reason than just being my fabulous self-involved
self, there are several people who have actually done something
meaningful like make a lifetime commitment to another person
and are probably more deserving of a celebratory set of
Fiesta Red Pebbles in a Lead Crystal Vase, medium.
Susanna Allshouse and Steve McLaughlin married June 28 in Chicago. This is a particularly special one for me because I had
the privilege of being in their wedding party, and it was
wonderful to watch the evolution of the relationship of
two of my dearest friends culminate in this incredibly
special day. After a beautiful ceremony, with an even more
breathtaking bride, Kellogg friends from all over, including Andy
Jacobson, Corey (Holloran) Jacobson ‘01,
Andy Ford, Emily (Hazlett) Ford ‘01, Cheryl
Schwartz, Missy McCready, Matt McGinnes, Kendra
(Stearns) Drozd, Tim Drozd ‘01, Mary
Briggs, George Watson, Kim Baldini, Greg
Barber, Liz Kaiser, Bob Dold, Anthony
Elarth, Tom Behan, Marc Oppenheimer, Shawn
Makhijani, Matt Langdon, Sarah (Hadl)
Langdon ‘99, Rick Meyers ‘99, and Krista (Kaur)
Meyers ‘99 celebrated with the couple until the wee
hours. There was an unfortunate incident with the post-reception
bar not believing that the fully clad bride was, in fact,
over 21, but I am sure that an Aluminum Cheese Grater,
large, would go a long way toward making up for the hassle.
Jeff Miller married
Mary Massey in Fond du Lac/Kohler, Wis., on Aug. 9. The bride was absolutely stunning, and the couple
could not have been more adorable and in love. It has come
to my attention that Jeff almost missed the ceremony due
to no less a celebrity than Kevin Costner cutting in front
of Jeff’s golf group that morning, and then playing
slowly ahead of them. Apparently the pro shop thought that
free T-shirts would make up for it, but somehow I think
that would have been a tough argument to sell to a bride
on her wedding day. The Kellogg gang included Emily
(Gellady) Rakowski and John Rakowski, Jeff
Jones, Doug Doughty, Will Hawthorne, Andy
Ford and Emily (Hazlett) Ford ‘01, Susan Donahoe ‘01, Joe
Spano, Keith Pelt, and Eric Weissman. They
all enjoyed dairy country and indulged in lots of
chocolate milk and frozen custard. Also, there seems to
be no better place to see the dazzling array of Kohler
brand fixtures and faucets. Joe, Keith and Eric opted to
relax at the hotel after their golf game rather than make
it to the ceremony, but somehow appeared for cocktail hour
and the reception. (I believe this kind of social gaffe
means that, at the very least, they should each be required
to buy Jeff and Mary a set of Calphalon One Infused Anodized
Cookware, With Bonus Steamer.)
Ranta '99 married Euni Kown '00 in November. |
Huang and Dora Lee
were married Oct. 11 in San Francisco. It was an amazing day, with friends and family joining the
couple from all over the world! They even had the U.S. Navy
Blue Angels join them overhead with one of their breathtaking
air shows. Kellogg friends made their day even more special,
specifically Michelle Arnau made a beautiful bridesmaid
and Tak Imada made a special trip from Japan to join the festivities! The ceremony looked out onto the
redwood trees, and afterwards, they celebrated with a 10-course
Chinese banquet. Ben even performed a surprise musical number
at one point! And for those Kellogg folks still missing late
nights at the Deuce, 50 of their guests took over the top
floor of a local restaurant to continue the party after the
formal celebration had ended. (Sounds like Dora and Ben could
use some Art Deco Cocktail Shakers, Silver Plated.) Kellogg
friends attending included Aaron Bernstein, Allison
Don, Andrew Young ‘01, Brad Spielman,
Cindy Lee, David Chow ‘01, Drew Edwards
‘01, Eric Ranta ‘99, Euni Kown, Han
Pham, Jason Rhee, Jody Johannessen, Jon
Cho, Ky Vu, Melissa “Rosie” Rosenthal,
Michelle Arnau, Mikey Kahn, Nelson Hsu ‘99,
Nicol Davis Irvin, Reema Shah, Tak Imada,
Ted Chi, Veena Rau, Warren Hayashi, and
Zeene Chang ‘01.
And because no column would be
complete without yet another mention of Doug Beekman’s
wedding, let me fill you in on the details, finally. (However,
don’t feel compelled to buy them a really expensive
gift if you have already bought them a gift after the other
two mentions. A Copper Pepper Mill, small, is fine.) Doug’s
wife’s name is Brandy and she actually likes Doug’s
Kellogg friends, but admittedly she hasn’t met Joe
Taylor yet. Doug and Brandy were married Jan. 11, 2003. As a 2002
graduate of the University of Georgia, half of Brandy’s sorority turned up for the event.
Doug tells me that although he can’t say with absolute
certainty, he is pretty sure he has never been asked, “dude,
is she dating anyone?” more often in one evening.
(He may have even heard that from Peter Solomon,
but I’m not sure.) Doug tried to piece together the
post-reception activities of certain guests using the skills
he has learned watching “CSI.” But absent any
forensic evidence, he had to use rumors and half-truths,
and fill in the gaps with outright lies. And since the
final product would have been yanked off the press faster
than you can say Janet Jackson, we’ll just leave
it to your imagination.
In the my-heart-is-breaking-so-maybe-you-should-buy-me-a-Cuisinart-Ice-Cream-Machine-White-With-Hot-Fudge-Attachment
category, Pat Brubaker got married to Jessica Ginter
(who is so smart, lovely, and fabulous that we will overlook
the fact that she is a second-year at HBS) on June 7 in
a small ceremony in Bermuda. They
then spent their honeymoon in Italy. Both went very well, and they couldn’t be happier
together. (So that makes me very happy. OK, I’m over
it. You can send the ice- cream maker to Pat and Jessica.)
wedding ceremony of George Alva '00 and Edith Mendoza
reflected the couple's cultural heritage. |
Alva married Edith Mendoza
in Los
on Aug. 30. Reflecting his heritage, George peppered the wedding
with cultural and culinary delights from Peru, Mexico, and L.A. (believe me, it’s a whole ‘nother country). Peruvian
pisco sours and Cusquenas danced the night away drinking Mexican
tequila and Coronas (Have we found good candidates for Calypso
Margarita Glasses, aqua?); the mariachi band serenaded the
bride down the aisle and entertained guests at the reception.
Kellogg was represented by home boys Adam Koontz,
Eric Goldberg, Javi Carballo, Jose Luis Villanueva,
Greg Merage, and Francisco Aguilera.
Against a beautiful, heavily wooded
backdrop of lush mountains not far from the mighty Pacific Ocean, Jonathan
Muhtar married Camille Ryan in Carmel, Calif., on Aug. 31. Jonathan broke more than a few hearts, as the
Smoothy King of Miami
Beach stomped
the glass and performed the chair dance with his new bride.
The tasteful wedding would have made Martha Stewart feel
inadequate. Attendees at the wedding were Greg Merage, Nicolas
Gentin, Piali Bhattasali, Jonathan Muhtar, Jose
Luis Villanueva, Rupesh Shah, and Adam
Babies: OK,
I have been giving this whole baby measurement thing some
thought and I have decided that it is really not as helpful
as it could be. I mean, I don’t tell people I am
69 inches long, right? Because, let’s face it, you
couldn’t eyeball the difference between 21 inches
and 22 inches if your life depended on it. No, you need
things put into terms you can really understand. For example,
if you like vegetables, it is much more meaningful to say
that your baby is five rutabagas long than it is to whip
out your pocket Stanley tape measure and say to yourself, “AH,
so that is what 22 inches looks like.”
So I think it would be cool to
personalize the information a little more, to really make
it relevant to our fellow classmates (as well as the growing
league of lurkers from other classes). Also, the metric
conversions I keep having to do for our international classmates
are killing me since my HP 12C went caput. Thus, I have
decided that instead of using silly things like ounces
and inches, we are going to evaluate babies in TG cups
and corporate finance textbooks.
Kazuto Hirose '00 with daughter Kanako,
born Nov. 28, and spouse Mitsue |
(Abel) Walch and her husband welcomed Daniel Weston and Owen William on
Aug. 26. Daniel was two Principles of Corporate Finance,
while Owen was more like a slightly abridged version at 1.8
Principles of Corporate Finance. Thankfully, both boys
were three TG cups long, so there won’t be any fighting
over that. Everybody is doing well, and fully recovered from
a bit of pneumonia that, unfortunately, Daniel had at birth.
Kudos to the whole Walch clan.
Treena and Jamie Rivera welcomed
their son, Bryan Miguel Rivera, on June 12. Bryan was 1.6 Principles
of Corporate Finance, and although he broke his collarbone
when he came out, he is now completely healed and will
probably be at least five TG cups long before you know
it! The whole Rivera clan is living in Stamford, Conn., and Jamie is still working for Kraft in New York.
Sanjay Chauhan and his wife Somya welcomed little Aanya on June 27. “Little” Aanya
might have been a relatively modest 2.6 TG cups, but at
a whopping three Principles of Corporate Finance, she’s
no wilting paperback Real Change Leaders. This is
their first daughter, so they are really enjoying settling
into life with their new love.
Hiroko and Tak Imada welcomed
Emari to the world June 3. Her name uses a Chinese character
meaning “smile,” so they hope she will smile
a lot in her life (with a dad who smiles as much as Tak,
I don’t see how it would be possible for her not
to). Life with Tak’s little three-TG Cup, two Principles
of Corporate Finance princess has been great, and they
are psyched with every move she makes.
Stephanie and Paul Judy welcomed
Katherine Elizabeth on Christmas Eve 2002. She’s
a great baby, even if she screams (with excitement, they
think) through every meal. Their son William is almost
3. He recently started preschool, and now his pat answer
to everything is that he learned everything he knows at
school. For example, “William, you shouldn’t
really jump from the couch to the dining room table. Where
did you come up with that idea?” “I learned
it all by myself at my school.” Perfect. Steph is
home with the kids and very busy, but doing great. Paul
is now a full-timer at Tommy Bahama, on a noble crusade
to clothe the masses in Hawaiian-print silk shirts.
Bhatt '00 with daughters Kayleigh and Megan |
and Liz Bhatt are now the proud parents of two little
girls (not twins, just a very late announcement on one!).
Megan Elizabeth (3.2 TG cups, 2.1 Principles of Corporate
Finance) joined them on June 27. Her big sister Kayleigh
Olivia was born Aug. 31, 2001, and weighed in at 7 pounds, 12 ounces and 20 inches. The
whole family is doing great, and as one would imagine, their
house has been taken over by Fisher Price, Little Tykes, Graco
and the like. Ramesh and Liz both work at Eli Lilly. Liz will
be starting a new job in the corporate strategic planning
group when she returns from maternity leave.
Andrew Boyle has
written to tell me about his love affair with another woman
besides Keri: Riley Jane Boyle. Born on May 28, she dribbles
left, she dribbles right. She is projected to dunk cookies
within the first nine months. And when a man is in love
he will find himself learning about shades of pink that
he never knew existed. Riley is also very good friends
with Catherine Friendly (daughter of Kelly and Andrew
Friendly) and both families celebrated Catherine’s
1-year birthday party on Cape Cod in August. It was kind
of like the cheesy wine party, but different.
Julia and Dave Works have
a new daughter whose name is Rachel Nicole, and she was
born Aug. 4. (1.8 Principles of Corporate Finance,
3.3 TG cups). Everybody, including older siblings
Grace and Matthew, are doing great. Dave is still at McKinsey’s Chicago office, and Julia is still a partner at a small law firm
in Evanston. Overall life in NW Evanston is great.
Hong (David) Wu received a special Thanksgiving gift on Nov. 27, 2002, when his first daughter, Claire Ruojia Wu, was born in New York, 7 pounds and 3 ounces in weight and 20 inches in length.
As a result, he joined his classmates, Ray Leihe, Shun
Zhang and Christopher Swenson, among others,
to become a proud dad in this baby-booming year. He recently
earned the CFA designation after successfully completing
three levels of rigorous exams. He is currently a credit
risk manager at RBC Financial Group in New
Jennifer (Scheff) and David Ransburg ‘98 celebrated the birth of their
first child. Cecilia Emily Ransburg was born Feb. 6, 2003. She’s destined to receive some degree at NU in the
future. Both her parents are pursuing their second degrees
from the university now, in education and counseling therapy,
Deena and Doug Shefsky welcomed
Jordan Louis on March 16, 2003.
Life is hectic, but really great nonetheless, the family
reports. Also, since I have had the pleasure of photographing Jordan (as well as his entire extended family), I can tell you
that he is an amazing little guy. I loved Deena’s
response when I told her how great Jordan was. She said, “Why thank you. We made him ourselves.” (1.9 Principles
of Corporate Finance, 3.2 TG cups. No Palm Pilot belt
clip yet, though.)
Ari Sherwood and Michal Elovitz had their second daughter, Elliana Noa, on July 28.
Maya is enthralled with her new baby sister, Ellie, and
is preparing her for her future at Kellogg.
Mimi (Green) and Robin
O’Connell welcomed Brooke on Oct. 12. Mimi
and Robin can’t wait for everyone to meet her in
Dragana and Jason Laky welcomed
Maximilian “Max” Laky on Sept. 28. As for vital
stats, Jason doesn’t remember exactly, so we’ll
just say two Principles of Corporate Finance, give
or take a supplemental reading section, and however many
TG cups it takes to get to the end of Jason’s forearm.
Other Fun Stuff: Well, let’s just say it: We all realized sooner
or later someone we knew would be on a reality television
show. And since it, hopefully, wasn’t going to be “Cops,” it
likely was either “The Bachelor” or “Survivor.” Thankfully,
our very own Burton Roberts was a contestant on “Survivor.” (Frankly,
I just can’t see Burton saying, “Will you accept this rose” with a straight
face.) In case you have been living under a rock, the premise
is this: Sixteen contestants stranded on a desert island
with no provisions, save for what they can beg, barter
or steal. Every three days, they vote someone off the island.
Interspersed are physical and mental challenges to complicate
the elimination process.
is so much that I need to say about the 13-week show
that I can’t possibly
get it all in here. But let me say this: It was way cool.
And Burton did a great job on the physical challenges, and even worked
some good strategy (well, up until he chose dinner with
Johnny Fairplay over the million bucks). Remember Burton, girls talk!
Justine Dube told
me about the adventures of three fabulous woMMMen (sic)
at their fourth annual Girls Spa Weekend in NYC. After
three great years spa-ing in Chicago, Chicago, and San
Fran, the three fabulous woMMMen (Tanya Dragan, Kate
Downes and Justine) descended upon NYC for a few fabulous
hours of pampering at the Red Door Salon in Midtown. (And
yes, it really has a giant red door.) After four hours
of frenzy on nine floors of Elizabeth Arden, they pranced
around Midtown and concluded their evening with a fabulous
MMMan (George Gauthier) and his gorgeous wife Ingrid,
dining at a chic Cuban/Latin establishment, then finishing
off the night with drinks in a less-noisy pub.
Marcie Vu met
up with Tom Winegar, who was traveling in Spain for two weeks. Ivan Espinosa graciously organized
all of the Madrid Kelloggians (Carolina Castillo, Beatriz
Puente, Oscar Ruiz, Andres Franco) for
a feast of homemade tapas, fun and catching up at his home.
Siri Eklund recently
attended Ballroom Dance Camp in Las Vegas. (I couldn’t make something like that up if I wanted
to.) She has also been taking advantage of some free time
to perform in an “off-Broadway” production, “Smokey
Joe’s Café.”
The assembled Kellogg School Class of
2000 group at Leonard Chan's, Mathios Kallios' and Amelia
Wong's annual Sunday night roof deck party. |
July 27, Leonard Chan, Manthos Kallios (Did you think
I would go a whole column without mentioning my favorite guy?)
and Amelia Wong had their annual Sunday night apartment roof
deck party. Kellogg attendees included Jon Cho,
Jody Johannsen, Siri Eklund, Janelle Hoekstra ‘99,
Guy Raviv ‘99, Alina Fridman ‘99, Eric Goldberg,
Julie Oh ‘01, Sanjib Kalita, and Gurmeet Ahluwalia
‘01. When it came time for the Kellogg group picture
to be taken, nobody could find Manthos despite checking all
dark corners.
Job Changes and moving: Ole Obermann left Walmart.com and is now
general manager/vice president of Liquid Audio (which might
not be as cool as being the manager of Hooters, but certainly
more respectable). They’re working on building a
service that is even more successful than Apple ITunes
so that Ole can appear on the cover of Fortune with
Shakira on his arm. (Steve Jobs settled for Sheryl Crow.)
Ky Vu left
Charles Schwab and traveled for nine months before beginning
a new job as a teacher at Leadership High School in San Francisco. Ky is teaching ninth-grade math and twelfth-grade AP calculus.
LHS was San
first charter public high school, and offers a rigorous
college preparatory program, including the first comprehensive
high school leadership program in California. A large majority of its 400 students are Hispanic, African
American and Asian American. Ky, you are such a cool guy
and if it’s possible, this makes me love you even
After a year stint as a wannabe-VC, K.C.
(Sunshine) Kim has recently joined Samsung SDS America
as a director, international recruiting. Surprisingly,
KC finds a lot of similarity between VC and HR work.
It all boils down to people and a whole lotta OB stuff. Yup
... KC is hiring. He is looking for experienced professionals
in IT consulting, business process outsourcing, and Web
services fields. Wife Minhee is an account manager for
a Korean daily newspaper (has been supplementing KC’s
income for the past three years to offset the high cost
of living in Silicon Valley).
Son Daniel is now entering middle school and daughter
Hope is now entering fifth grade. KC’s family just
returned from a week of vacation in Hawaii where Daniel, unlike his dad, has shown a fearless attitude
toward coral while snorkeling.
Siri Eklund has been doing some
marketing consulting work for a gourmet Spanish olive oil
company on label design, name, bottle, etc. The great news
is that the company is up and running. Aceites Aguibal
just launched its Web site with online sales, and recently
received kudos from Oprah and her chef, Art Smith! Current
distribution is in Northern California and Pennsylvania, with plans for NYC and Chicago in the near future. Visit aguibal.com.
Niraj Singh moved
to Mumbai, India, on an expat assignment for two years with Lucent Technologies.
He is looking forward to reading this column, as he feels
that it’s the best way to catch up on our class news.
(Niraj, don’t you know I make half this stuff up?)
Anyway, he is enjoying his expat celeb status there and,
God bless him, mentioned that if Elarth and I want to honeymoon
there, he would be happy to help us find our way around.
(I hope the offer is still open anyway!) Lots of Kellogg
visitors, as Mumbai is a great transit point, including Sanjay
Kumar, Sanjay Chauhan, Salim Ali and
Nikhil Khosla ‘99.
In Memoriam:
Finally, it is with deep sadness that I report the death
of one of our classmates, Achal Sahrawat. Achal
passed away in an unfortunate accident on Nov. 26 while
on vacation in Brazil. His death was untimely, unexpected and extremely traumatic
for his family and friends. Achal is survived by his wife,
Namrata, his mother, brother, Nischal, sister-in-law, Shalini,
and everyone who had the privilege of knowing him. One
of his closest friends at Kellogg, Sumant Mandal wrote
some special memories about knowing Achal:
Sahrawat (1968-2003) It is with a very heavy heart that
I write this. Achal
and I met in 1985, when he joined my high school in New
Delhi, India, and was assigned to share my school bench. Within days,
we were inseparable, and he became one of my closest friends.
Coming to Kellogg was very special for Achal. He had worked
hard to get there, and then worked and played even harder
to ensure that he experienced his time to the fullest.
I know many of you will have fond memories of him from
Section 68, KOA trips to Spain and Ireland, or TechVentures. For my wife, Mallika and I, Achal was
an integral part of our life at Kellogg. In fact, Mallika
maintains that the only reason I made it through school
at all was because of Achal ─ every night he was
there knocking on our door dragging me to study groups
or to do some extra work. It was my great privilege to
have Achal as a friend and brother in my life for close
to two decades. He leaves a void that cannot be filled.
For those of us who knew him, Achal will be remembered
as a fun-loving, honest, very loyal and trustworthy friend.
And he will be sorely missed.
“Three years ago, Achal
married the love of his life, Namrata Sharma. After his
death, Namrata found a UNICEF calendar among his personal
belongings. In his memory, she has asked that any donations
you would like to make on Achal’s behalf be donated
to UNICEF programs in India. Checks can be sent to: U.S. Fund for UNICEF, 333 East 38th St., New York, NY 10016. Please reference Achal Sahrawat on your check.”
I am reminded yet again how truly
blessed we are to have such amazing people in our midst,
and that we are better people for having been touched by
their lives.
Warmest regards, Rosalind |