Kellogg World Alumni Magazine, Spring 2004Kellogg School of Management
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Jim Litwin reporting. Ward M. Klein recently was promoted to president and chief operating officer of Energizer Holdings Inc. Ward previously was president of the international battery business of Energizer. He writes, “We enjoyed the international life, having lived in Hong Kong for three years, but it is good to be back in St. Louis.”

Phil Hayes writes: “I am president of Glaval Bus, a division of Forest River. We manufacture shuttle buses for airports, hotels, assisted living needs, etc. I was previously president of Kent, which manufactures commercial cleaning equipment.

“We live near South Bend, Ind. My wife Claire and I have three lovely daughters, who have chosen to attend private universities, so I’ll be working for some time to cover the tuition! Hope to see you at the reunion.”

And I hope to see you at our big 25th reunion as well.

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University