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Journal Article
Point-of-care p24 antigen detection for early infant diagnosis of HIV infection: cross-sectional and longitudinal studies in Zambia
BMC Infectious Diseases
Early infant diagnosis of HIV infection is challenging in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly in rural areas, leading to delays in diagnosis and treatment. Use of a point-of-care test would overcome many challenges. This study evaluated the validity of a novel point-of-care p24 antigen detection test (LYNX) in rural and urban settings in southern Zambia.
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Palamountain, Kara, Catherine Sutcliffe, Jane Mutanga, Nukumbula Moyo, Abhisek Agarwal, Jessica Schue, Mutinta Hamahuwa, Mark Fisher, Robert Elghanian, Philip Thuma, William Moss. 2021. Point-of-care p24 antigen detection for early infant diagnosis of HIV infection: cross-sectional and longitudinal studies in Zambia. BMC Infectious Diseases. (118)