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Journal Article
Factors Influencing Consumer Behaviour Towards Store Brand: A Meta-analysis
International Journal of Market Research
In order to improve the effectiveness of store brand management, this study presents a meta-analysis that aggregates empirical findings from the literature on consumer behaviour towards store brands. First, the study provides a quantitative summary of bivariate findings regarding the way consumer-related factors influence store brand success. Second, the authors analyse the moderating effect of market context, product category and data type on store brand success. The resulting analysis suggest that price consciousness, quality consciousness, familiarity with store brands and perceived quality of store brands are the four most important factors that significantly influence consumer behavior towards store brands. Market context and product category also exert significant moderating effects on the influence of some factors on consumer behavior towards store brands. On the basis of these findings, this study concludes with a discussion of practical implications and possible directions for future research.
Date Published:
Fan, Xiaojun, Yi Qian, Pei Huang. 2012. Factors Influencing Consumer Behaviour Towards Store Brand: A Meta-analysis. International Journal of Market Research. (3)407-430.