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Organization Characteristics and Susceptibility to Frequency-based Pressures: A Test of Competing Hypotheses
In this study, we examine some of the factors affecting organizations susceptibility to frequency-based imitation pressures. We do so by testing two competing sets of hypotheses: one predicting that size and performance will enhance an organizations susceptibility to frequency-based imitation pressures, the other predicting the opposite. Contrary to prior studies, our analysis of joint ventures in technology-intensive industries supports the second set of hypotheses: both size and prior technological success negatively moderate the effect that frequency-based imitation pressures have on an organizations likelihood of forming a joint venture. We discuss the implications of these findings for research on organizational imitation, organizational change, practice diffusion, joint ventures and institutional theory.
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Stern, Ithai, Jo-Ellen Pozner, Andrew Henderson. 2007. Organization Characteristics and Susceptibility to Frequency-based Pressures: A Test of Competing Hypotheses.