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Journal Article
Regulatory Focus at the Bargaining Table: Promoting Distributive and Integrative Success
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
The authors demonstrate that in dyadic negotiations, negotiators with a promotion regulatory focus achieve superior outcomes than negotiators with prevention regulatory focus in two ways. First, a promotion focus leads negotiators to claim more resources at the bargaining table. In the first two studies, promotion-focused negotiators paid more attention to their target prices(i.e., their ideal outcomes) and achieved more advantageous distributive outcomes than did prevention-focused negotiators. The second study also reveals an important mediating process: Negotiators with a promotion focus made more extreme opening offers in their favor. Second, a promotion focus leads negotiators to create more resources at the bargaining table that benefit both parties. A third study demonstrated that in a multi-issue negotiation, a promotion focus increased the likelihood that a dyad achieved a jointly optimal or Pareto efficient outcome compared to prevention-focused dyads. The discussion focuses on the role of regulatory focus in social interaction and introduces the notion of interaction fit.
Date Published:
Galinsky, Adam, Geoffrey Leonardelli, Gerardo Okhuysen, Thomas Mussweiler. 2005. Regulatory Focus at the Bargaining Table: Promoting Distributive and Integrative Success. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. (8)1087-1098.