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Journal Article
Information Accessibility as a Moderator of Judgments
Journal of Consumer Research
We hypothesize that the accessibility of task relevant knowledge determines whether judgments reflect the substance of the information that is brought to mind or the ease of generating and retrieving such information. Our findings indicate that when relevant knowledge is highly accessible or not at all accessible, judgments are based on the content of the information considered. Between these extremes in knowledge accessibility, judgments are based on the perceived ease with which information can be retrieved. This perceived ease is a function of both the number of reasons requested and the wording of the retrieval request.
Date Published:
Tybout, Alice M., Brian Sternthal, Prashant Malaviya, Giorgos Bakamitsos, Se-Bum Park. 2005. Information Accessibility as a Moderator of Judgments. Journal of Consumer Research. (1)76-85.