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Journal Article
Sales Territory Alignment: An Overlooked Productivity Tool
Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management
The authors have a wide-spectrum of experience in territory alignment arising from research as well as direct interaction with over 300 sales forces. Based on their experience, they believe sales territory alignment is one of the most frequently overlooked sales force productivity areas. Many sales forces are losing millions of dollars each year because of territory imbalances. Well-managed companies are overcoming the many obstaclels to good territory design by using a cogent process to realign territories. This process ensures that consistent, objective criteria are used to evaluate alignment needs, yet recognizes the importance of incorporating local management judgment.
Date Published:
Zoltners, Andris, Sally Lorimer. 2000. Sales Territory Alignment: An Overlooked Productivity Tool. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management. (3)139-150.