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Journal Article
Collective Efficacy and Aspects of Shared Mental Models as Predictors of Performance over Time in Work Groups
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations
We assessed collective efficacy (a group's judgment of their ability to perform a particular task) and some dimensions of shared mental models (models of the group structure, process, and the task, that members hold in common) in student groups working on semester-long research projects. In particular, we assessed the extent to which group members had agreement and accuracy about members' past and future contributions to the group project, and agreement about the importance of various task aspects. Groups with higher efficacy early in the semester had more agreement and accuracy later in the semester. However, the reverse was not true: the extent to which agreement and accuracy developed early in the semester was not correlated with collective efficacy later in the semester. Also, groups with higher collective efficacy (as measured early and late in the semester) and more shared mental models (as measured late in the semester) received higher grades on their projects. A number of task process and social process variables were tested as possible mediators of these relationships; however, no significant mediators were found.
Date Published:
Peterson, Erika, Terence Mitchell, Leigh Thompson, Renu Burr. 2000. Collective Efficacy and Aspects of Shared Mental Models as Predictors of Performance over Time in Work Groups. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations. (3)296-316.