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Journal Article
Managed Competition with Prefunding: The Solution for Long-term Care?
Milbank Quarterly
Managed competition with prefunding could be a useful approach to long-term care. One version, described here, has two main components: First, people would be required to save over their working lives to cover a portion of the expected cost of a minimum required level of long-term-care insurance. Second, people would begin purchasing long-term-care insurance around the time of retirement from one of a number of competing insurers, under a system of managed competition. Potentially large social gains would arise from improving insurance arrangements, distributing long-term-care costs more equitably across and within generations, and eliminating many of the distortions inherent in the current Medicaid program.
Date Published:
Lucas, Deborah. 1996. Managed Competition with Prefunding: The Solution for Long-term Care?. Milbank Quarterly. (4)571-597.