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Management & Organizations

Thomas G. Ayers Chair in Energy Resource Management

Professor of Management & Organizations

Director, Social Impact and Sustainability Program

Portrait of Klaus Weber, Faculty at the Kellogg School of Management
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Klaus Weber is an Professor of Management & Organizations, and currently serves faculty director for Sustainability and Social Impact at Kellogg. He is also affiliated with the Department of Sociology and the Northwestern Trienens Institute for Sustainability and Energy.

His research concerns the dynamics of organizational and institutional sustainability transitions; the interactions between social movements, corporations, and markets; and economic globalization. He specializes in cultural and institutional forms of analysis and methodologies. 

Klaus' research has been widely published in journals such as Administrative Science Quarterly, American Sociological Review, Organization Science, Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Harvard Business Review and many others. His work has won best paper awards at the American Sociological Association, Administrative Science Quarterly, and the SYNTEC Conseil en Management. He was a senior editor at Organization Science and has guest edited volumes for Organization Studies and Organization Science.

Klaus teaches courses on environmental sustainability in Kellogg's MBA program and Northwestern Trienens' MS Energy & Sustainability; and doctoral seminars on organization theory, cultural analysis, and research methods.

He received his PhD from the University of Michigan and joined the Kellogg faculty in 2003.

About Klaus
Research interests
  • Cultural and institutional theory
  • environmental sustainability
  • social movements and organizations
  • globalization and development.
Teaching interests
  • MBA: Environmental Sustainability
  • Power & Influence
  • Cross-Cultural Management. PhD: Organization Theory
  • Economic Sociology
  • Cultural Theory
  • Text Analysis
  • Research Methods.
  • PhD, 2003, Organization and Management, University of Michigan
    MS, 1995, Industrial Relations, London School of Economics
    BA, 1994, European Studies and Business, ESB Reutlingen & Middlesex University
  • Professor, Management and Organization, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, 2018-present
    Associate Professor, Management and Organizations, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, 2010-2018
    Assistant Professor, Management and Organizations, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, 2003-2010
  • Research Committee Service Award, OMT Division, Academy of Management, 2018
    Faculty Fellow, Yale Center for Cultural Sociology, 2014 -
    ASQ Award for Scholarly Contribution, Administrative Science Quarterly, 2014
    Faculty Award for Diversity, Northwestern Graduate School, 2014
    Best Article Award, Prix Acad, 2009
    Clifford Geertz Best Article Prize, American Sociological Association, Section on Culture, 2009
    Sidney J. Levy Teaching Award, Kellogg Graduate School of Management, 2007-2008, 2005-2006
    Renis Likert Prize for Best Paper from Dissertation in Organization Studies, University of Michigan, 2005
    Barry M. Richman Best Dissertation Award, International Management Division, Academy of Management, 2004
    Finalist, INFORMS/Organization Science Dissertation Competition, INFORMS/Organization Science, 2002

Behavior in Organizational Systems (MORS-525-1)

Theory construction, with effort at verification, drawing on empirical studies. Macro-level analysis of internal organizational system problems such as goals, structure, roles, power, authority, communications, and controls.

Special Topics in Management and Organizations: Macro (MORS-521-2)

The course covers classic and recent research topics in macro-oriented areas of Management and Organizations. Topics are drawn from sociology, organizational theory, and macro-organizational research methods.