Artem Timoshenko
Associate Professor of Marketing
Artem Timoshenko is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. He develops and applies quantitative methods to improve marketing practice and product development. Professor Timoshenko’s research relies on field experiments and proof-of-concept studies with close industry collaborations. His recent work covers retail, financial services, automotive, and technology industries.
Professor Timoshenko holds a Ph.D. in Marketing from MIT Sloan School of Management, an M.A. in Economics from New Economic School, and a Diploma in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science from Moscow State University.
- Targeted Marketing
- Data-Driven Product Design
- Pricing and Markdown Optimization
Chairs’ Core Course Teaching Award (Kellogg)
MSI Young Scholar Award, ISMS Marketing Science Institute (MSI)
Frank M. Bass Dissertation Paper Award, Finalist
John D.C. Little Best Paper Award, Finalist
Robert D. Buzzell Best Paper Award, Finalist, ISMS Marketing Science Institute (MSI)
Marketing Science Institute (MSI) Research Priorities Award, Marketing Science Institute
ISMS Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Award, INFORMS Marketing Science
MSI Alden G. Clayton Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Award
AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium Fellow
Marketing Management (MKTG-430-0)
This course takes an analytical approach to the study of marketing problems of business firms and other types of organizations. Attention focuses on the influence of the marketplace and the marketing environment on marketing decision making; the determination of the organization's products, prices, channels and communication strategies; and the organization's system for planning and controlling its marketing effort.