Suraj Malladi
Assistant Professor of Managerial Economics & Decision Sciences
Suraj Malladi's research interests are in microeconomic theory, particularly in search, networks and mechanism. He completed his PhD in economics at the Stanford Graduate School of Business in 2021 and spent two years as a faculty member at Cornell University prior to joining Kellogg.
Competitive Strategy and Industrial Structure (MECN-441-0)
This course studies competitive strategy: interactions between firms in concentrated industries. The focus is on strategies for softening price competition and on how industry fundamentals influence the effectiveness of those various strategies. Topics include product positioning, product proliferation, dynamic aspects of pricing, price discrimination strategies (e.g., coupons and loyalty programs), entry into an industry, and responding to entry attempts. A common theme is that the success or failure of a strategy often depends on how your competitors will respond. As a result, what may be a winning strategy for a monopolist can sometimes backfire in an oligopoly. The course will mix lectures and case studies, as well as both qualitative and quantitative components. Evaluation will be primarily based on homework assignments, exams (a final and a midterm), and a term paper that will be written in teams.