Angela Y. Lee
Mechthild Esser Nemmers Professor of Marketing
Faculty Director, Golub Capital Social Impact Lab
Angela Y. Lee joined the marketing faculty at the Kellogg School in 1995 and was named Mechthild Esser Nemmers Professor of Marketing in 2007.
Dr. Lee is a consumer psychologist. Her expertise is in consumer learning, goals and emotions. Her research focuses on consumer motivation and affect, cross-cultural consumer psychology, and nonconscious influences of memory on judgment and choice. Her publications appear in both marketing and psychology journals and she is the co-editor of Kellogg on China (Northwestern University Press, 2004). She was the recipient of the 2006 Stanley Reiter Best Paper Award for her research on self-regulation and persuasion, and the 2002 Otto Klineberg Award for the best paper on international and intercultural relations. She is a Fellow of the American Psychological Society, a Fellow of the Society of Experimental Social Psychology, and a Fellow of the Association for Consumer Research. Dr. Lee is a Past President of the Association for Consumer Research and a former Board Member of the American Marketing Association. She currently serves on the board of the Sheth Foundation.
At the Kellogg School, Dr. Lee teaches the Behavioral Marketing Science course in the MBA program, and a doctoral seminar on consumer psychology. She has served as the faculty advisor of the Global Initiatives in Management class for China, Japan and South Africa.
Dr. Lee is a native of Hong Kong where she worked as a fundraising consultant for nonprofit organizations before entering academia. She received a BBA in Marketing and Travel Industry Management from the University of Hawaii, an MPhil in Economics from the University of Hong Kong, and a PhD in Marketing from the University of Toronto.
- Conscious and nonconscious influences of memory on judgment and choice Goal
- motivation and self regulation Cross-cultural psychology Affect
- emotion and metacognitionSelf identity
- Customer insights
- consumer behavior
- marketing research
Ph.D., 1995, Marketing, University of Toronto
M.Phil., 1990, Economics, University of Hong Kong
B.B.A., 1981, Marketing & Travel Industry Management, University of Hawaii -
Mechthild Esser Nemmers Professor, Marketing, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, 2007-present
PepsiCo Professor of International Marketing, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, 2006-2007
Professor, Marketing, Kellogg School of Managament, Northwestern University, 2006-present
Visiting Professor of Marketing, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2008
Associate Professor, Marketing, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, 2001-2006
Visiting Associate Professor of Marketing, Cornell University, 2000-2001
Assistant Professor, Marketing, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, 1995-2001 -
ACR Fellow, Association for Consumer Research, Life
APS Fellow, American Psychological Society
University of Hawaii Hall of Honor, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Mechthild Esser Nemmers Professorship, 2007
PepsiCo Research Chair in International Marketing, 2006
Stanley Reiter Best Paper Award, Kellogg School of Management, 2006
Otto Klineberg Award, Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, 2000
Winner of the Otto Klineberg Award, 2000
Kraft Research Chair, 1997
McManus Research Chair, 1996, 1998
AMA Doctoral Consortium Fellow, 1994
Special Topics in Consumer Research (MKTG-540-0)
This course introduces students to new topics and approaches in consumer behavior research. As such, the topics will change from year to year, and students will be challenged to further develop the theoretical model proposed in the papers. Besides being relevant to marketing students, this course is likely of interest to graduate students in psychology, communication studies and education.
Theory Building in Consumer Behavior Research (MKTG-531-1)
The purpose of this course is to acquaint you with the principles of theory building in social science research, to help you distinguish between theory-building research and research with other aims, and to provide you with an opportunity to develop your ability to conceptualize and develop research that builds theory.
Behavioral Marketing Science (MKTG-959-0)
This course delves into behavioral research in marketing and psychology to facilitate the design of more effective ways to implement marketing mix strategies. By drawing on relevant research insights into how consumers make decisions, we will learn how to:
- frame message to maximize impact
- design product displays to entice purchase
- develop loyalty programs to increase and expedite repeat purchases
- streamline product offerings to increase profit
- take many other valuable actions
- motivation (e.g., do you have a growth or safety goal?)
- cognition (e.g., do you agree or disagree with the content?)
- metacognition (e.g., what does it mean to have considered pros and cons?)
- emotion (e.g., are you feeling sad or anxious?)
Field Study (MKTG-498-0)
Field Studies include those opportunities outside of the regular curriculum in which a student is working with an outside company or non-profit organization to address a real-world business challenge for course credit under the oversight of a faculty member.