Maryam Kouchaki
Professor of Management & Organizations
Chair, Management and Organizations Department
Maryam Kouchaki is a Professor of Management and Organizations at Kellogg School of Management. Maryam is an organizational psychologist who seeks to make theoretical and practical contributions at the intersection of management and psychology. Her research focuses on decision-making, diversity, and ethics.
She is the editor-in-chief of journal of Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. Her work has appeared in scholarly publications such as Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Psychological Science, and has been featured in media outlets such as the Harvard Business Review, New York Times, Business Week, Wall Street Journal, the Huffington Post, and BBC.
- Behavioral ethics
- Morality
- Judgment and decision-making
- Diversity
- Negotiation
- Ethics
- Group and Team
- Decision-making
- Negotiation
Ph.D., 2012, Organizational Behavior, University of Utah, University of Utah
M.B.A., 2005, Sharif University of Technology
B.S., 2003, Physics, Sharif University of Technology -
Postdoctoral Fellow, Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, Harvard University, 2012-2014
Assistant Professor, Management and Organizations, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, 2014-2018
Associate Professor, Management and Organizations, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, 2018-2022
Professor, Management and Organizations, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, 2022-present -
Fellowship Paper Prize, Global Priorities Institute at University of Oxford, 2024
Outstanding Paper Award, Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 2022
Selected for Best 40 Professors Under Age 40, Poets & Quants, 2020
Best Empirical Conference Paper, International Association of Conflict Management (IACM), 2016
Highly Cited Research in Journal of Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2016
Rising Star Designation, Association for Psychological Science, 2015
Academy of Management OB Division Outstanding Publication Award, Academy of Management, 2015
Research Fellowship, Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, Harvard University, 2012-2015
Finalist, Social Issues in Management Division of the Academy of Management Best Dissertation Award, The Academy of Management, Social Issues in Management Division, 2013
Finalist, Best Dissertation Award, Society for Business Ethics, 2013 -
Editor, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2020
Research (MORS-590-0)
Independent investigation of selected problems pertaining to thesis or dissertation. May be repeated for credit.
Social Processes in Organizations (MORS-524-2)
Group behavior in organizational settings. Topics include recent theory and research on group formation, social influence, group composition, group performance, group decision making, diversity, coalitions, intergroup relations and social dilemmas.
Special Topics in Management & Organizations: Micro (MORS-521-1)
The course covers classic and recent research topics in micro-oriented areas of Management and Organizations. Topics are drawn from social psychology, organizational behavior, and micro-organizational research methods.
Ethics & Executive Leadership (PACTX-460-0)
Ethics and Leadership (PACT-460-0)
This course focuses on the ways in which leaders must recognize and respond to a variety of competing value propositions both within and outside their organizations. Whereas management typically involves the creation of incentive systems leadership motivates through the creation of norms, by example and inspiration. Leadership ultimately involves the ability to take the disparate value propositions of various stakeholders and integrate them into a coherent vision. The course is built on the three foundations: basic ethics; behavioral economics; and insights from social psychology. Class sessions typically involve a mix of lecture, in-class discussion of cases and student papers and group projects. Students will write short reflection papers that serve as the basis for class discussion. There will also be two group projects and a final exam.
Leading and Managing Teams (MORS-460-5)
This course examines the design, management, and leadership of teams in organizational settings. The focus is on the interpersonal processes and structural characteristics that influence the effectiveness of teams, the dynamics of intra-team relationships, and sharing of knowledge and information in teams. This class is very practical and hands-on. Each week, students engage in an experiential team challenge (activity or case) pertaining to a key aspect of team and group dynamics. Students are assigned to a group at the beginning of the quarter. This group complete a group project studying and analyzing dynamics and processes of a real client team. There is no final exam, and each group delivers a case study of their client team at the end of quarter.
Leading and Managing Teams (MORS-460-0)
This course examines the design, management, and leadership of teams in organizational settings. The focus is on the interpersonal processes and structural characteristics that influence the effectiveness of teams, the dynamics of intra-team relationships, and sharing of knowledge and information in teams. This class is very practical and hands-on. Each week, students engage in an experiential team challenge (activity or case) pertaining to a key aspect of team and group dynamics. Students are assigned to a group at the beginning of the quarter. This group complete a group project studying and analyzing dynamics and processes of a real client team. There is no final exam, and each group delivers a case study of their client team at the end of quarter.