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Leadership Development and Communications Program

Adjunct Lecturer in Leadership Development and Communications

Portrait of Ellen Ericson, Faculty at the Kellogg School of Management

Ellen is a seasoned high-tech business executive, consultant, and
leadership coach, bringing two decades of experience working with
Fortune 500 companies and their leaders. She has worked in
telecommunications, technology, and professional services throughout her career. Ellen’s primary
focus and passion is leadership development. She is an established executive coach, facilitator, and
workshop leader with specialties in executive presence, personal branding, executive
communication, and diversity and inclusion. She also drives the alignment and performance of
executive teams through proven team coaching methodologies and facilitation.
Ellen has extensive experience coaching C-suite, Senior VPs, Senior Partners and Managing
Directors in professional services, and Fortune 500 high tech, telecommunications, consumer
goods, manufacturing, transportation, government, and healthcare organizations. Additionally, she
works with leaders of PE backed firms.
Ellen’s clients appreciate her unique and engaging style, business savviness, and her thought
provoking questions that help them breakthrough their long-held beliefs about leadership. Ellen
believes her clients are meant to achieve greatness and make a positive impact, no matter how big
or small, each day. Through her business minded and ontological coaching approach, she works
with her clients to explore, acknowledge, and live into their motivations and insights to achieve
their desired results and legacy.

Personal Leadership Insights (LDEV-461-5)

This course is a unique opportunity for students who are highly motivated and committed to their personal development and growth as a leader and who value the chance to do this work in a group setting. The Kellogg faculty leader serves as coach and facilitator to guide students through a process that explores who they are (strengths, needs, values), reveals how others experience them (feedback), examines who they want to be (vision/purpose) and identifies actions for moving forward (development planning). Individual reflective exercises will be further explored and shared in small group meetings, full class discussion, and individual coaching appointments with the faculty. Students complete a paper integrating their personal insights. There is no final exam.

Because the course focuses on self-awareness and relationships with others, students rely on interactions with each other to experience vulnerability and growth within an environment of safety and trust. Therefore, students will not receive a letter grade, but rather a "Pass" with 0.5 credits or a "No-Credit" on their transcript. The "Pass" designation will be given if the following requirements are met: 100% attendance (non-negotiable), completion of all assignments, honoring confidentiality, and active participation in class activities and discussions.

Please note that the 100% attendance policy is non-negotiable across all sections and instructors. Only bid on a section for which you are sure you can attend every class session. Review the abbreviated syllabus for that section to confirm the precise meeting dates.