Achal Bassamboo
Charles E. Morrison Professor of Decision Sciences
Professor of Operations
Co-Director of MMM Program
Chair, Operations Department
Achal Bassamboo is the Charles E. Morrison Professor at Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. He is also the co-director of the MMM program which is dual degree program between Kellogg and Segal Design at McCormick School. Professor Bassamboo joined the faculty at the Kellogg School of Management in 2005, after completing his Ph.D. in Operations, Information and Technology at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. His research interests lie in the areas of service systems, revenue management and information sharing. His current research involves designing flexible service systems with a focus on capacity planning and effects of parameter uncertainty. He is also studying credibility (or lack thereof) of information provided by a service provider or a retailer to its customers.
His articles have appeared in leading journals, including Management Science, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, and Operations Research. Professor Bassamboo was award the 2016 "Young Scholar Award" given by the Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Society for his research. He has served on the editorial boards for Management Science, POMS and Naval Research Logistics. Professor Bassamboo teaches courses on operations management, supply chain logistics, decision models and statistics.
- Applied probability and stochastic models; stochastic systems: performance analysis and optimal control; revenue management; operations management; Empricial Operations
- Operations management
- Supply Chain Management
- Managerial Statistics
Ph.D., 2005, Operations, Information, and Technology, Stanford University
M.S., 2004, Statistics, Stanford University
B.Tech., 2000, Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute Of Technology -
Charles E. Morrison Professor of Decision Sciences, Managerial Economics and Decision Sciences, Operations, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern, 2016-present
Professor, Managerial Economics and Decision Sciences, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, 2012-present
Associate Professor, Managerial Economics and Decision Sciences, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, 2009-2012
Assistant Professor, Managerial Economics and Decision Sciences, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, 2006-2009
Donald P. Jacobs Scholar, Managerial Economics and Decision Sciences, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, 2005-2006
Research and teaching assistant, Stanford University, 2001-2005 -
Professor of the year for core course: PGP Class of 2023 Mohali Cohort, Indian School of Business.
Finalist for Best OM Paper in Management Science, MSOM Society 2022 for Learning from Inventory Availability Information: Field Evidence from Amazon, published at Management Science
Professor of the year for core course: PGP Class of 2023 Mohali Cohort, Indian School of Business.
Finalist for Best OM Paper in Management Science, MSOM Society 2022 for Learning from Inven- tory Availability Information: Field Evidence from Amazon, published at Management Science, MSOM Society
Sidney J. Levy Teaching Award for an elective course, Kellogg School of Management for 2021-2022.
Professor of the year for core course: PGPpro Class of 2022, Bengaluru Cohort, Indian School of
Professor of the year for core course: PGP Class of 2022 Mohali Cohort, Indian School of Business.
Professor of the year for core course: PGP Class Mohali Cohort
L.G. Lavengood Professor of the Year Nominee for 2021
Professor of the year for core course: PGPpro Class, Bengaluru & Mumbai Cohorts
Professor of the year for core course: PGP Class of 2020 Mohali Cohort, Indian School of Business.
Chair Core Teaching Award
Finalist for the Service Management SIG Prize, MSOM Society 2019 for "Scheduling Homogeneous Impatient Customers" published at Management Science., MSOM, INFORMS
Professor of the year for core course: PGPpro Class of 2019 Mohali Cohort, Indian School of Business.
Professor of the year for core course: PGP Class of 2019 Hyderabad Cohort, Indian School of Business., Indian School of Business
Professor of the year for core course: PGPpro Class of 2018 Hyderabad Cohort, Indian School of Business., Indian School of Business
Chair Core Teaching Award, Kellogg School of Business
MSOM Young Scholar Prize, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, INFORMS, Researcher under the age of 40
Second Place, Article, Junior Faculty Interest Group, 2008
Chairs Core Course Teaching Award, Kellogg School of Management, 2009-2010
Silver Medal, IIT Delhi
Third Place, Article, Junior Faculty Interest Group, 2010 -
Associate Editor, Operation Research, 2024
Senior Editor, POMS, 2016
Associate Editor, Management Science, 2014
Associate Editor, Naval Research Logistics, 2009-present
Stochastic Foundations (OPNS-516-0)
The first part of the course covers basic concepts in probability; the second part renewal and regenerative processes including Markov chains; and the last part Martingales and Brownian motion. Throughout, theoretic results are applied to the analysis of queues. Students are expected to have some background in probability (e.g., IEMS 202-0) and stochastic processes; no measure theory background is required.
Lean Operations
A world-class business is also a lean business. Grounded in the science of lean operations, this program equips you to alleviate bottlenecks, design effective systems and use the right metrics to achieve your goal of world-class lean operations.
Operations Management Bundle
This combination of two programs — Lean Operations and Supply Chain Management — provides an executive-level learning experience focused on the same innovative operations-management approach taught in Kellogg’s world-class MBA programs. When taken together, these programs are offered at a discounted fee.
Operations Strategy
Learn practical frameworks and tools you can put to use immediately to craft an operations strategy that maximizes stakeholder value and establishes a sustainable competitive advantage. Topical and highly interactive, it prepares you to strengthen your organization's performance and marketplace position.
Strategic Decisions in Operations (OPNSX-454-0)
This course builds on the core operations management class with an emphasis on strategic level decisions. It emphasizes the long-term, "big" decisions firms face in structuring their operations. Topics covered range from evaluating flexible technologies to designing supply chains.
Operations Management (OPNSX-430-0)
Operations Management examines the basic principles of managing the production and distribution of goods and services. The course approaches operations as a managerial integration function and provides frameworks and tools to target and implement improvements in business processes.
Statistical Decision Analysis (MECNX-434-0)
Field Study (OPNS-498-0)
Field Studies include those opportunities outside of the regular curriculum in which a student is working with an outside company or non-profit organization to address a real-world business challenge for course credit under the oversight of a faculty member.
Supply Chain Management (OPNS-455-0)
What are the key capabilities a supply chain must develop to support the business strategy of a firm? What is the relationship between the desired capabilities and the structure of a supply chain? This course provides a framework to answer these questions. We define supply chain structure in terms of the following drivers of performance: facilities, information, inventory and transportation. The relationship between structure and performance is analyzed using various case studies that require students to develop analytical spreadsheet models to support their decision making. Students are taught the strategic role of the supply chain. The course also discusses methodologies for designing and planning a supply chain.
Operations Management (OPNS-430-0)
1Ys: This course is typically waived through the admissions process or the equivalent course Operations Management (Turbo) (OPNS-438A) was completed during the Summer term. MMMs: This course is equivalent to the MMM core course Designing and Managing Business Processes (OPNS-440) Operations management is the management of business processes--that is, the management of the recurring activities of a firm. This course aims to familiarize students with the problems and issues confronting operations managers, and to provide the language, concepts, insights and tools to deal with these issues to gain competitive advantage through operations. We examine how different business strategies require different business processes and how different operational capabilities allow and support different strategies to gain competitive advantage. A process view of operations is used to analyze different key operational dimensions such as capacity management, cycle time management, supply chain and logistics management, and quality management. Finally, we connect to recent developments such as lean or world-class manufacturing, just-in-time operations, time-based competition and business re-engineering.