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The JD-Ph.D. Program is for those students who intend to pursue an academic career and whose research and teaching will be enriched by both the JD and Ph.D. degrees. The program is designed to allow you to complete both degrees more efficiently than you would through consecutive degree programs. The timetable for the degree is approximately five-to-six years of full-time study. Those who complete this program would be competitive for placement either within a law school or business school.

On the Kellogg side, applicants would choose from one of our eight Ph.D. programs. The course of study for the JD-Ph.D. degree will be determined through consultation with the academic program directors at Kellogg and Pritzker School of Law. The typical course of study is provided below:

  • Years 1–2: Coursework at Kellogg and field exams.
  • Year 3: Coursework at the Pritzker School of Law with the summer quarter spent at Kellogg.
  • Year 4: Coursework at the Pritzker School of Law with the summer quarter spent at Kellogg; develop research topics and work on research projects with the student's academic advisors at Kellogg.
  • Years 4–6: Dissertation research at Kellogg.

Applicants would apply to both schools concurrently and follow each school's admission requirements; however, you will use one common application provided through The Graduate School. The application is reviewed by both schools.

Additional information about the JD-Ph.D. Program can be found at Northwestern University’s Center for Legal Studies and The Graduate School.