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The Kellogg School of Management is one of a dozen colleges and schools that make up Northwestern University, one of the world’s leading research universities.

Our doctoral students work closely with faculty and participate in the intellectual life of their department, taking classes and attending and presenting their research at seminars. Kellogg’s remarkable new building, the Global Hub, is specially designed to facilitate interactions among faculty and students throughout the school. Student offices are conveniently located alongside the faculty, and the departments provide easy access to the Faculty Summit, an informal meeting place where scholars gather to discuss their research (or just to share a cup of coffee).

Research is a community and every paper is a dialogue. Kellogg encourages the collaboration necessary to create a great scholarship. Top faculty members from across Northwestern are often invited into classroom discussions in order to provide new scholars with feedback on their ideas early in the research process.

The boundaries of the scholarly network are not restricted to the Kellogg School, as students routinely tap into the vast resources found within the broader Northwestern community. The Economics Department is housed within the Global Hub. Kellogg has partnered with the Sociology and Economics Departments to offer joint Ph.D. programs. Faculty from Economics, Engineering, Law, and Psychology have joint appointments at Kellogg, and our students take classes within these departments. Opportunities for interdisciplinary research are abundant!