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Support Kellogg
  • $250
  • $500
  • $1,000
Make Your Gift

Giving is easy. Generosity drives impact.

Kellogg donors give in many ways. Choose the right one for you and join the community helping to make the transformative Kellogg experience possible.

Choose how you give

There are many ways to give to Kellogg:

  • Anonymous gift: You may choose to remain anonymous in your giving to Kellogg. Choose the anonymous option on the Make a Gift form
  • Joint Gift: You and your spouse or partner together can make a joint gift.
  • Honorary or Memorial gift: Honor a friend or relative by giving.
  • Matched gift: Search the matching gifts database to find out if your employer matches charitable gifts.
  • Recurring gift: Make it easier to show your support for Kellogg by setting up a recurring gift.
  • NU Loyal: Support Kellogg and join NU Loyal, a valued community of alumni and friends who make gifts to Northwestern more than three years in a row.
  • Partner with Kellogg: Contact the corporate partnerships team to create strategic connections between Kellogg and the business community.
  • International Alumni Giving: Northwestern/Kellogg is committed to expanding its impact around the world. If you live outside the United States, you can help advance Kellogg's mission to bring the benefits of research, teaching, and service worldwide by making a gift to the Kellogg Annual Fund.  Click here to learn more
  • Multi-Year Commitment: If you would like to make a multi-year commitment and will make your gifts through multiple sources or a donor-advised fund, you can download and fill out the Multi-Year Intention form. A completed copy of this form can be scanned and sent via email to or mailed to:
    Kellogg School of Management
    Attn: Office of Advancement
    1007 Church Street, Suite 400
    Evanston, IL 60201

Planned gifts to Kellogg

Estate planning can benefit both you and Kellogg. Planned gifts make a lasting impact on future generations of students and provide tax benefits to you and your family.


  • You can give the following assets:

    • U.S.-based credit card: Please fill out the Make a Gift form
    • Checks: Please make checks payable to:
      Kellogg School of Management
      Office of Advancement
      1007 Church Street, Suite 400
      Evanston, IL 60201
    • Cash, wire transfer, or international credit card: Please contact Kellogg's office of advancement at 847.491.2841 to make your gift over the phone or request assistance.
    • Personal property or real estate: Please contact the office of advancement at 847.491.2841.
    • Mutual funds: Please complete the Gift of Mutual Funds form.
    • Stocks and Securities, please use the information below or complete the Gift of Stock form. Please specify Kellogg as the gift allocation.
      DTC Number: 2669
      Account Number: 26-07242
      Taxpayer ID Number: 36-2167817
      Broker Name: Northern Trust Chicago
      Reference: (Name of donor/purpose)
    • Donor Advised Fund (DAF) gifts: To make a contribution from your DAF, provide our tax ID number (EIN) to your financial institution and mention The Kellogg Fund in the designation field. If possible, please also include your name and class year or donor ID number. 
      Taxpayer ID Number: 36-2167817
      Checks should be sent to:
      Kellogg School of Management
      Attn: Office of Advancement
      1007 Church Street, Suite 400
      Evanston, IL 60201

    For further information, please contact Gift and Record Services via email, or call Catherine Eliasik, director of Gift and Record Services, at 847.491.8324.

  • All gifts make an impact. Find the level that is right for you.

    Consider becoming a member of the Kellogg Leadership Circle with a gift of $2,500+ (or $1,000+ for recent graduates) to the Kellogg Annual Fund.

    Kellogg Leadership Circle levels are:

    • Catalysts: $1,000 (for alumni less than five years out)
    • Catalysts: $2,500 (for alumni five or more years out)
    • Innovators: $10,000
    • Partners: $25,000
    • Leaders: $50,000
    • Cornerstone: $100,000
  • When you choose to give, you can direct your support to a number of broad categories of impact at Kellogg:

    • Scholarships
    • Faculty thought leadership
    • Innovative programming
    • Kellogg area of greatest need

Contact us about the Kellogg Alumni Network

Alumni Relations
Email: General questions
Email: Club or affinity networks
Phone: 847.467.2586
Career Development
Email: General questions
Email: Resource materials
Email: Job postings
Phone: 847.467.5551
Email: General questions
Phone: 847.491.2841
Kellogg Office of Advancement
1007 Church Street, Suite 400
Evanston, IL 60201