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PhD program funding

All candidates accepted into the Kellogg Doctoral Program receive funding to help cover living and educational expenses for five years. In fact, 100% of our students are funded.

You’ll also have access to experimental laboratories and high-end computational systems at Kellogg and Northwestern University. These resources are in addition to the funding our students receive to support their dissertation research.

Graduate funding

  • Fellowship stipend
  • Teaching and research assistantships
  • Tuition scholarship
  • Payment of the annual fee for single coverage in the Northwestern Student Health Insurance Plan as a full-time registered and funded graduate student

Research funding

Kellogg has vast research resources for our doctoral students and faculty and strives to be innovative and responsive to the research needs of our academic community. Kellogg provides PhD students with computer subsidies, conference travel funding, and opportunities to apply for additional funding to support their dissertation research.

Computer subsidy

Kellogg students are provided with a one-time only computer subsidy ($2,000) to purchase computer equipment for their PhD studies. Students purchase this equipment at their own discretion, and receipts are not required.

Conference travel funding

Kellogg students are provided with a total budget of $4,000 to cover the cost of their conference travel when presenting a paper (not just attending a conference) or during the academic job market. Students may also utilize a Conference Travel Grant through The Graduate School (TGS) to attend a conference.

Additional research funding

To support their dissertation research, Kellogg students may apply for additional research funding for data, software, subject and survey fees, research assistants, and other needs.

Funding and billing

Every Kellogg PhD student receives financial support for five years, including tuition scholarships, payment of the annual fee for the student health insurance plan and stipends.


Tuition and fees for Kellogg PhD program are managed by The Graduate School (TGS) at Northwestern University. The majority of fees are covered by your graduate funding package.