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Unparalleled Preparation of Nonprofit Leaders

Sally Blount, former dean of the Kellogg School of Management and president and CEO of Catholic Charities of Chicago; John Wood, Founder of Room to Read; Njideka Harry, Founder of Youth for Technology; Jim Jones, CEO of ChildServ; Art Mollenhauer, CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters Illinois; Matt Knott, President of Feeding America: These Kellogg alumni are making a social impact through nonprofit organizational leadership.

As one of the first business schools to focus on public and nonprofit management, Kellogg educates students committed to various leadership positions within the civic community. Kellogg alumni and current executive and MBA students who are dedicated to the nonprofit space discover that the Kellogg experience enhances their management skills, provides them with tremendous networking opportunities and enables them to serve their constituents with unparalleled excellence. These thoughts are echoed by the scores of nonprofit executives and board members who have participated in executive education programs offered by Kellogg. We invite you to explore all of the resources that Kellogg has for nonprofit practitioners, leaders and students.

  • Kellogg students are actively involved in the nonprofit sector through the academic curriculum, student clubs and other engagement activities at Kellogg and Northwestern University. Experiential learning and pro bono project opportunities are woven into the curricular and student experience. In addition, there are several key resources for students pursuing careers in this important sector.

    MBA Resources

    Career Resources

    Northwestern University

    Kellogg Student Clubs and Activities

  • Kellogg School of Management prepares graduates for involvement in the nonprofit sector as senior staff and board members. Through a strong academic portfolio and wide range of co-curricular activities as well as numerous student clubs and activities, Kellogg offers students and alumni the opportunity to build a tool kit of skills to engage in important, impactful work in the nonprofit sector.

    Nonprofit Management at Kellogg invites your investment in these activities:

    Scholarships and financial assistance for nonprofit leaders to attend our executive education programs

    Scholarship assistance is critical, because many of the nonprofit leaders who will benefit most from our executive education programs can least afford to attend. Their organizations have scarce resources that do not cover tuition costs.

    Tuition assistance for participants in the Kellogg Executive Scholars Program

    Aid is particularly important for participants in the Kellogg Executive Scholars program, which includes a general management component with a three to five day residential program expense. Gifts to Nonprofit Management at Kellogg allow us to extend our reach into the nonprofit community and ultimately benefit the organizations that come to us.

    Outreach events designed to build networks of key nonprofit leaders around important issues facing the sector

    One of our key initiatives is community outreach, fostering dialogue among nonprofit leaders on critical issues facing the sector. Nonprofit Management at Kellogg hosts outreach events annually and works closely with MBA students on conferences and other opportunities.

    If your company or nonprofit has a nonprofit or social impact project, opportunity or independent study possibility, please submit your idea through Kellogg’s project portal.

    For further information on sponsorship opportunities, please contact Liz Livingston Howard, Director of Nonprofit Executive Education.

    To support Kellogg School of Management in its other important endeavors, please visit the Office of Advancement website.

  • Kellogg School of Management
    Northwestern University
    Donald P. Jacobs Center, Room 4235
    2001 Sheridan Road
    Evanston, IL 60208-2001

    Liz Livingston Howard
    Clinical Associate Professor of Management
    Director, Nonprofit Executive Education
    Phone: 847.491.4505

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