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Discover your entrepreneurial spark 

Introduced during the 2023-24 academic year, Levy Spark Treks (formerly known as Levy Inspiration Treks) are intended to inspire and energize a group of entrepreneurial students around a specific topic by traveling to a relevant market to meet with experts and leaders in that field. Through these trips, we hope to forge connections among like-minded students to encourage building innovative solutions for the problems facing the world. These experiences are led by a faculty member with expertise in a given subject area, who builds the content and guides students on the ground throughout the trip. Levy Spark Treks are designed for students with entrepreneurial ambitions and an interest in learning more about the trek's selected topic and are open to Kellogg students in all degree programs.

Past treks include:

  • December 2023: Digital health entrepreneurship in Boston
  • February 2024: Media & entertainment entrepreneurship in Los Angeles
  • April 2024: AI entrepreneurship in San Francisco 

Applications typically open a few months before each trek and are publicized via the student email listservs and Slack channels. Keep an eye on these to stay up-to-date on upcoming treks and application windows.

Explore the Levy Inspiration Grant Program

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David Schonthal
Director, Entrepreneurship at Kellogg
Faculty Director, Zell Fellows Program
Director, Levy Institute of Entrepreneurial Practice
Tyler Seybold
Program Manager,
Entrepreneurship at Kellogg
Jennifer Herold
Administrative Director,
Entrepreneurship at Kellogg

Sarah Budreck
Program Coordinator,
Entrepreneurship at Kellogg