Course Information
NEW! Automated Two-Year Forecast of Course Offerings for E&W Students
Course Planning
Kellogg's Course Planning is a tool integrated with the Kellogg Bidding and Registration system. Students identify courses of interest, plan when to take them and then seamlessly bid or register for them.
Majors, Certificates & Pathways
View descriptions and requirements for majors, certificates, and pathways in the various Kellogg academic departments and strategic initiatives.
Core Course Waivers
Students in the traditional program who have completed prior relevant coursework may consider waiving core courses.
- Independent and Field Study Information
- Students who have established superior academics records and who wish to study more in depth than what is provided in regular courses may register for independent study with a selected instructor. Permission of the instructor and the department is required. Please complete the Independent and Field Study Application in BidReg.
Experiential Learning Courses
Experiential Learning courses offer you a chance to practice the skills that you have learned or are learning in the classroom by working in project teams on real-world business problems. Learn more through this information session and view a list of experiential learning courses.
International Exchange Programs
Kellogg's exchange partner schools offer the opportunity to learn about business from a different perspective, experience another culture, and network with students, faculty, and professionals from around the world. Learn more through this information session (Password protected for the Kellogg community).
Global Initiatives in Management
The Global Initiatives in Management (GIM) program is an intensive global business leadership course designed by students. Teams of classmates plan and facilitate a challenging 10-week curriculum with a faculty advisor, and coordinate a two-week international field experience. Learn more through this information session (Password protected for the Kellogg community).
Degree Enhancement Program
Graduates of the Evening & Weekend MBA Program are eligible to take Kellogg courses, free of charge, in the three academic years following graduation.