September 14 - 15, 2011 Allen Center, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL

2011 Kellogg Marketing Leadership Summit

Thank you to our partners at


Featured Speakers

Martin McCourt

Martin McCourt
CEO, Dyson

Our keynote speaker and Dyson CEO Martin McCourt detailed the importance of innovation and integrating the customer's perspective throughout a company's ranks.

Dick Patton and Rory Finlay

Dick Patton and Rory Finlay
Consultants, Egon Zehnder International

Offered insights on leadership competencies that drive growth.

Mary Ellen Coe and Paul Magill

Mary Ellen Coe and Paul Magill
Principals, McKinsey & Company

OMary and Paul provided a roadmap for building the marketing organization for the future.

Brian Sternthal

Brian Sternthal
Kraft Foods Chair in Marketing, Kellogg School of Management

Brian discussed the impact of gender on consumer decisions, and how to translate those insights into effective marketing communications.

Panel Discussions

Panel Discussions
Explored the move from CMO to CEO

Rick Lenny '77, partner, Friedman, Fleischer & Lowe
Phil Marineau '70, LNK Partners
Margaret Stender, Chicago Sky CEO
Dick Patton, consultant, EZI

Companies at the 2011 Summit

AT&T Inc. Benefitdecisions, Inc. Boeing
CDW Corporation Chicago Cubs Chicago Sky
Discover Financial Services Dyson Egon Zehnder International
ESPN Feinberg School of MedicineFriedman, Fleischer & Lowe GE Healthcare
Gladson Interactive Google Interface Inc.
John B. Sanfilippo & Sons, Inc. Kidzania, Inc. Kraft Foods
Leapfrog Online LNK Partners Maisons Marques & Domaines
Major League Soccer McDonald's Corporation McKinsey & Company
Mediacom Espana National 4-H Council Nature's Variety
The Nielsen Company Nintendo Princess Cruises
QlikView Quill SABIC Innovative Plastics
Sara Lee Corporation SAVO Group SchoolNet
Unilever United Airlines U.S. Cellular
Walgreens Company WellPet