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Bryan Imhoff ’03 is proud to bring his Kellogg business skills to his new profession as he embarks on the journey to become a physician |
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The beautiful Novarini clan. From left: wife Ingrid, Isabella (6), Marco (3) and Rodolfo ’03 |
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Mark Hamacheck ’03, Tindley Whipple Gilbert ’03 and Huw Gilbert at the Atlantis The Palm, Dubai, United Arab Emirates |
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Josh Miller ’03 and son Lev spend a special father/son moment with baby Ori |
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Tony and Rebecca Bagdy ’03 (aka Betsy Leis) beam with pride as they welcome Sarah to the world |
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Paul and Iris Snyder ’03 (aka Seidmann) with their two sons, Elijah and Jordan |
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Joey Olivier ’03, wife Sherry, and son Josh welcome a brand new baby Alina Kate to the world |
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Sherry and Joey Olivier ’03 beam with pride as they welcome Alina Kate to the Kellogg Nation |
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Henning and Cheril von Barsewisch ’03 with their children Catalina, Hamilton and Isla |
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Juerg Stucker ’03 is certainly the lady’s man as he, Eveline, Jael, and Lea greet newborn Amelie Rose |
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The Three Lindos — Katja ’04, Dean ’03 and Niklas enjoy Oktoberfest in Chicago | |
Look at you, class of 2003. Just look at you. You’re smart, good looking, and successful. You keep finding spouses, you are absolute pros at making babies, you travel the world doing good unto others, and you toil in the endless pursuit of excellence. You are, in a word, 2003.
OK. Ceremonial intro complete. Let’s get into it.
Reminder: Not every picture will be included in the Kellogg World print edition, but they are included in the Kellogg World online edition. We apologize in advance if your photo is not printed, but we hope you’ll visit Kellogg World online to see many more photos of our classmates.
Births: We’ll start with some awesome baby-ness that we forgot to include in the last edition of Kellogg World. Tony and Rebecca Bagdy (formerly Betsy Leis) welcomed baby Sarah to their family on Dec. 2. Their little tax break — oops, bundle of joy, is doing wonderfully and they’re loving every second of parenthood. Rebecca is part of the administrative team at Kaplan’s School of Nursing (20 colleges across the country plus online programs).
Paul and Iris Snyder (aka Seidmann) are thrilled to announce the latest addition to their family, Jordan Neil Snyder, born on Aug. 10. Mom reports that he’s such a cutie pie and immediately captured his parents’ hearts! Big brother Elijah David (2) loves his younger brother and is working on teaching Jordan everything he knows.
It is with great joy that Rachel and Josh Miller introduce the newest member of their family: Ori Micah Goldmiller, born on Sept. 3, 2010. Parents and proud big brother Lev are all doing great!
Joey Olivier and his wife Sherry are also excited to welcome home Alina Kate Olivier! Alina was born on Sept. 16, in Greenwood, S.C., weighing in at a lean 6 pounds, 4 ounces. The adoption took place two days later, and the Oliviers are finally home with their new baby girl. Josh is a natural with his baby sister/newest baseball fan.
Rounding out a busy September, Juerg Stucker reports that Amelie Rose Stucker was born on Sept. 26.
Henning and Cheril (Santini) von Barsewisch, and daughters Isla and Catalina, round out the baby news as they welcome the latest addition of their family, Karl Hamilton John von Barsewisch (Hamilton for short). The day they were planning on attending the Mass with the Pope in Freiburg (the first time any Pope has ever been to Freiburg), their little guy decided that this was not the plan and that he wanted to join the club 10 days before his due date. They had a little drama getting to the hospital since the Mass was happening about 15 minutes from their house. All roads were blocked since all the pilgrims were walking to the Mass, and they decided cycling was a bit too long and risky (yes, they actually did consider it!). So they arrived in style in an ambulance. Only a few short hours after arrival, Hamilton was born in water, like his sisters.
Marriages: Kathleen and Ousman Jobe celebrated the first American-Gambian wedding ever held at The Congressional Club in Washington D.C. during Memorial Day weekend. Amazing guests flew in from Accra, Banjul, London, Los Angeles and New York to name a few locations. The Kellogg contingent was strong with several ’03 classmates dressed in their finest American and African dinner attire including Branimir Petranovic, Elikem Kuenyehia, Monica Shah, Ajay Chawan, Kerry Mar, Karen Lee, Funmi Afonja, Colby Maher, Brady Countryman, Ian Powell, Katy Nishida ‘99 and Isi Okogun ‘01.
The dance floor witnessed electric dance moves all night long from this memorable crew and their significant others. If anyone has not seen Ian Powell do the worm, Ousman says it is worth about three wedding invites. After honeymooning in Hawaii, Ousman and Kathleen are back to the grind in Los Angeles. Kathleen works at the Broad Foundation with Karen Lee. A block away, Ousman continues to develop new business and handle existing account relationships at LRN, a global advisory firm focused on helping organizations do the right thing by unleashing the power of their culture. The party will continue in Gambia in 2012 and please get in touch if you want to join them in Banjul in April.
Miriam Claes also got married this summer to Damian Lodge. This was wedding No. 2 out of 3. They had a small legal wedding in the U.S. before, which they got to celebrate with Ankur Malik and his family. They will have one more celebration in New Zealand later to celebrate with Damian’s family and friends.
Last, but certainly not least, Ian Powell married Mara Gutman on Aug. 6. They were married at Temple Israel in New York, followed by a long honeymoon to Tahiti. Ian says that it was great seeing and celebrating with so many old friends.
Work news: After three years as an executive director with the Taproot Foundation (the nonprofit leader of the pro bono movement), Megan Kashner is moving on and out on a limb to launch a new social venture, Benevolent. Replacing Megan at Taproot in Chicago will be Beth Houle ’95. Benevolent is a social networking site designed to foster individual giving to meet individual needs — connecting those who face a hurdle along their path to stability and sustainability. As the founder and CEO of Benevolent, Megan is following a lean startup methodology in a nonprofit environment. Check out benevolent.net and consider ways you can help this social venture thrive.
Neel Shah has started a boutique real estate financing firm, called appropriately, Shah Capital Advisors. He works with developers to raise tax credit equity for commercial projects, such as charter schools and health clinics. He loves working with social entrepreneurs to create lasting impact in distressed neighborhoods around the country. Neel is based in New York City, where he loves to catch up with Kellogg alums swinging through. Along with classmate Kurt Kempkes, who works in private wealth management at JPMorgan, he recently saw fellow entrepreneur Karthik Vasudevan ’02, in town for a bite of the Big Apple.
Neel has managed to keep alive some embarrassing traditions with fellow Kelloggians based in NYC. Sud Yeleswarapu, who works at Nomura, and Sanuj Ravindran,who is raising a biotech-focused venture capital fund in India, have gotten foiled — and caught singing karaoke with Mr. Shah. Emily Rampala and Angela Petros, who gave birth to her second son Nikhil Mehra while casually running marketing for the software businesses at LexisNexis, have also been spotted in the past year at these sophomoric attempts to recapture the glory days.
This summer, Bryan Imhoff left the corporate world to become a physician. He is a first-year student at the University of Kansas School of Medicine, where he’s fascinated by the classroom content and loving the opportunities for patient interaction. Encouraging Bryan on this new path is his supportive wife Karin and four young sons (all under seven years old). Things are a bit chaotic in the Imhoff household, but it’s a fun, busy, exciting brand of chaos.
And Then There’s This: After five years, a second kid, and a full marathon in Australia, Rodolfo Novarini and his family have been back in Florida since last year. Rodolfo says that although he’s missing some old friends, it’s good to be in a similar time zone with long-time friends and family.
Mark Hamachek met up with Huw and Tindley Whipple Gilbert in late September as he passed through Dubai, United Arab Emirates. They had a great time catching up at a phenomenal dinner at Nobu Dubai in the Atlantis The Palm. Mark is doing fascinating work as chief operating officer of Remote Medical International. Please know that you are all welcome to visit Tindley in Dubai. You, too, can experience skiing indoors or going up the world’s largest building! It really is a great place for a vacation and you have a free place to stay!
We’re happy to hear some great updates from Paige Francis. Daughter No. 2 Brooke is no longer a newborn but rather is fast approaching her first year. Daughter No. 1 Elle (4.5) is a sweet big sister. Paige is still with Starwood Hotels and asks, “How many of us are still at our first job post Kellogg?” She’s having a tremendous amount of fun with running global marketing for three brands, Aloft, Element and Four Points. Yet, she’s also finding that working with two little ones at home is probably the biggest challenge yet. She says there should be a Kellogg course on this! That said, Paige managed to find time to finish her first half marathon in June, something she’s been talking about for some time. Note that she says “finished” — her four-year-old said she could have a treat since she didn’t win. Perhaps she will save “winning” for the next one!
Finally, Barry Grant and Rob Stephenson embarked on their annual wilderness adventure in August as Rob led an unforgettable adventure deep into the Olympic mountains outside of Seattle. Despite endless hours of hiking with overweight packs, all-too-close encounters with angry mountain goats, epic snow hikes (in summer?!?!), precarious summit expeditions, dense bushwhacking and sliding down 700 vertical feet of snow to beat nightfall, Barry was once again able to prevent Rob from killing him. One month later, the guys were back at it in Yosemite doing some unforgettable rock climbing (despite another attempt by Rob to wipe Barry off the face of the earth via a brutal combo of thunder, lightning, rain and hail).
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Now that they are all in Europe, Cheril (Santini) von Barsewisch ’03 and her girls met up near Frankfurt in August with Jan ’03 and Patricia Rohde and their three children. They had lots of fun catching up and playing at the park in three languages! Adults from left: Patricia Rohde, Cheril von Barsewisch ’03, Jan Rohde ’03. Kids from the left: Adrian R., Catalina v.B., Isla v.B., Lena R. and Carolina R. |
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Kellogg was well-represented at the Washington, D.C., wedding of Ousman Jobe '03 and Kathleen Lungren. Backrow, from left: Branimir Petranovic '03, Isi Okogun '01, Katy Nishida '99, Elikem Kuenyehia '03, Monica Shah '03, Ousman and Kathleen Jobe, Ajay Chawan '03, Kerry Mar '03, Karen Lee '03 and Funmi Afonja '03. Front row, from left: Colby Maher '03, Brady Countryman '03 and the handsome Ian Powell '03 |
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Kellogg friends gather in Belgium to celebrate the wedding of Miriam Claes ’03 and Damian Lodge. From left: Britta Iwen ‘03, Marc Verhaeren '02, the bride and groom, Henning and Cheril von Barsewisch ‘03 and their two little girls (with baby Hamilton enroute) |
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Ian Powell gets married! From left: Sherry Olivier, Joey Olivier '03, Adrianne Agulla '03, Charlie Agulla '03, Ryan O'Toole '03, Ian Powell '03, Mara Gutman Powell, Joe Terino '03, Katie Terino '04 and E.G. Fishburne '03. Not pictured Mike Zechmeister '03 |