The Kellogg Alumni Club of Singapore, co-led by Willie Chang ’03, shares this update: “It has been an exciting year in Singapore. We just had the F1 night. Congratulations to the Ferrari team. Earlier this year, we had the Youth Olympics Games. Also, two brand-new casino resorts opened as well as the new Universal Studios theme park. Our Kellogg alumni club has also been very active. Raphael Young ’09 joined Willie Chang and Karen Tay ’09 on the club’s leadership team. A big thanks goes out to the contributions from outgoing leaders Sze-Meng Soon ’07 and Chris Yeo ’09, who continue to support the club as active members. On Sept. 19, leadership adviser Zafar Momin ’91 kindly hosted about 30 alumni and their families for a BBQ party at his home. The weather was fantastic and we all enjoyed delicious food and good company.
On Oct. 2, a group of Kellogg alumni joined the Singapore Tanglin Club’s annual Oktoberfest dinner, complete with a live band, German sausages, and plenty of beer. Raphael Young and Angelo Polimeno represented Kellogg in the arm-wrestling contest, and fell just short of first place. Well done, guys! Meanwhile, Bernard Maughan ’11, Arthur Lo ’00, Karen Tay and Willie Chang, among others, cheered them along! If you are not getting the club’s e-mails, please contact Karen Tay at to be added to the list.