Dear EMP-61ers,
As you will see from the below articles, time moves forward, with job and family life always changing. I know that a lot of fellow classmates are having all the same happen to them, and I will enjoy writing about a few more of you when the next article rolls around. Even if you don’t submit information to me, please don’t forget that we are all here for each other and you can certainly contact me if you need to get in touch with a lost classmate.
John Surane was inducted into Northwestern (Louisiana) State University’s athletic hall of fame for his accomplishments in baseball. It seems that our low-key EMP colleague was a record-shattering second baseman.
Hardik Bhatt finished his public service stint with the City of Chicago as chief information officer. He joined Cisco Systems as U.S. managing director for the firm’s Smart+Connected Communities program. He will be working toward smarter, energy-efficient buildings, better healthcare, education, smarter public safety and transportation, etc., with the use of technology as an enabling infrastructure. He will start off in the U.S., but will be advising Cisco’s globalization unit on its global projects, including those in South America, Europe and Asia. He is also auditing a finance class with EMP-85!
Todd Reding and his family enjoyed a trip through the Buffalo River National Forest in Arkansas this summer.
The Goldens have moved. They sold their house in Oshkosh, Wis., and have moved to Cedarburg, Wis., to be closer to Mike’s job. Mike Golden says that life is crazy with three boys, but that shouldn’t be news to anyone. Here’s a shocker: Mike is still running, biking and cross-country skiing. He said that life is good, no complaints.
And I’m putting this fun tidbit last — I heard from our dear friend Matt Marshall who, with his wife Susan, is busy raising two healthy and happy kids, Sara Ann (4) and Alexander (2).