It’s always good to catch up on recent events and exciting news from fellow EMP-46ers. We had a small gathering in September to catch up on summer activities. The attendees included Patrick Spencer, David Susalla, Chris Lolli, Alan Burack and Jose Martinez. It was a brief encounter but there was a lot of reminiscing about old times and discussions about the future.
David Susalla continues to enjoy his role as CFO for the Chicago Children’s Museum, another great destination where children 1 through 12 learn through innovative play.
Some people just can’t stay retired. Our very own Abraham Orbach is certainly one of them. He rejoined the workforce as president of Mueller Electronics and will maintain two residences: Chicago and Hilton Head.
Conquering the world of scientific research, Harriet Seymore has embarked on a new challenge as chairman and managing director for Serennova. Take a look at her new website at serennova.com and learn more about the company’s exciting offerings.
We’ve had a few career moves since the last update. David Hill is really enjoying Colorado, especially in his not-so-new role of vice president of Encana Natural Gas. We have not seen you in a while, Dave. When are you visiting Chicago?
Also, Therese McCall is now senior director for strategy and knowledge management at Takeda and Christopher Bohn has resurfaced in strategic planning for CF Industries. Congratulations!
In other news, Ro Kumar was a keynote speaker at the annual technology meeting of the Executives’ Club of Chicago in June. In his address, he spoke on the topic of “business transformation,” using his personal experiences in printing and newspaper industries. The attendees included CIOs, COOs, and other executives from the Chicago business community. Also in attendance in support of Ro were fellow EMP-46 alums Becky Brubaker from The Chicago Tribune and Jose Martinez from CSC. Both Becky and Jose are active members of the Executives Club of Chicago.
Nizar Jiwani continues to be very active in his own community. During the opening of a Muslim worship center on the north side of Naperville, Ill., Nizar was photographed with State Rep. Darlene Senger and the president of the Ismaili Midwestern Council, Murad Bhaidani. Nizar is a community outreach volunteer and supporter at the worship center, and was one of the opening event’s key contributors. The worship center has room for 500 worshipers as well as classrooms for students of all ages.
That’s all for now! Please watch for the holiday get-together invitation — we’d like to set a new attendance record over last year. Let Jose and Alan know if you have any suggestions for unique venues.