Dear fellow EMP-27 classmates: Over the years many of us have lost touch and gone our own ways with our work, family and personal lives. Having said that, we’ll always have the Kellogg experience in common and for many of us it was a catalyst for sending our lives in new, positive directions.
Please update me on what’s new in your life and I will send the information to Kellogg and they can publish it. I look forward to hearing from you.
Kevin Toale
P.S. An update on me — I live in Atlanta and work for Georgia-Pacific (privately held by Koch Industries) and I run the sales and marketing for the office products channel. My son Connor (born during year one of EMP-27) started at Georgia College & State University — yikes! Otherwise, life is good. If you come through Atlanta on business, please let me know. I live in Buckhead and there are lots of great places to have dinner.