Kellogg World Winter 2010

Watch your backs, Jonas Brothers! The Elfers are on their way. Megan Elfers ’04 with her boy band — Remick, Briggs and Clay, rockin’ their good looks, cool names, and knit caps

  Mike Hanlon, Heather (Ptacek) Hanlon ’04 and their daughter McKenna Grace
  Kirstin Hornby '04 and son Lincoln William Warburton, born March 26
  Yumi Clevenger-Lee’s family: Carson, Eric, Yumi ’04 and Miya


Bring on the baby brigade! Yes, there are some additional announcements, but by and large, we have a new wave of little tykes entering the Kellogg family — many joining older siblings.

Alice Lu is living in Jersey City, N.J., with a new job as a senior product manager for a colorectal and lung cancer drug in development at a biotech company called Regeneron Pharmaceuticals.

Kirstin Hornby writes that she and husband Matt Warburton are enjoying life in San Francisco, where they’ve been since graduating from Kellogg. Kristin writes: “I’ve started a new job as a director of marketing for Piperlime, a division of Gap. A few other ’04 folks I see regularly are Mara Holian Lowry, Rob Cross, Dan Beck and Scott Rupp.” Take note, Piperlime has that green logo, and is in no way associated with the recent Gap logo recall. So far, we are relieved to hear that no classmate has been harmed by that ugly blue box … although we can’t yet rule out the possibility of long-term emotional distress caused by the new (now old) design.

Apparently (and as Edwin Van Dusen reminded me during our first year at Kellogg) all one ever needed to know one learned in kindergarten, definitely not at grad school for grownups .... Allison and Rob Barmann welcomed new baby Walker Christen Barmann on July 23. According to the proud parents: “The little fella was briefly named something else .... but when his twin siblings (3) showed up at the hospital, Nolan said, ‘Dad, but Addie and I already call him Walker.’ So, despite multiple negotiating classes at Kellogg (which we might add did not cover how to negotiate with 3-year olds!), we were completely outwitted and his name was changed to Walker.” Wonder twin power, activate! They write that all five are doing great in Minneapolis. After maternity leave, Alli will return to her job at McKinsey. Rob works at Boston Scientific in new business development.

JC Mountainbear represents! He was invited to serve on the board of directors for the Kellogg Alumni Council. We can safely assume he accepted the offer, as he goes on to explain that the mission of the Kellogg Alumni Council is to help organize the resources and energy of the Kellogg alumni community toward efforts which support the strategic priorities of the school; develop and strengthen the community of Kellogg alumni; and provide alumni with the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of Kellogg and its mission while providing a gateway to a meaningful lifelong relationship with the school. He adds that he is “looking forward to working with Kellogg staff, faculty, students and fellow alumni, as we build the global reputation of Kellogg.”

David Schreiber and wife Jennifer welcomed their first child, son Hayden Alexander Schreiber, into the world on July 22. David sends in: “We’re having a blast with our little guy and continue to enjoy life in Chicago. I am still working for LaSalle Investment Management as a senior vice president in acquisitions, where I focus on office investments for our firm’s various real estate-focused commingled funds and separate accounts.” Not quite sure what “commingled funds” are, but they sure sound sexy.

Heather (Ptacek) Hanlon and husband Mike welcomed baby girl McKenna Grace into the world on June 21. Heather comments, “McKenna is all smiles and parenthood is a lot of fun. We are enjoying life in Indianapolis, where I work in marketing for Eli Lilly & Company.”

Yumi Clevenger-Lee continues in Minneapolis with husband Eric, daughter Miyako (4) and son Carson (2). A true reflection of brand loyalty — she’s been with General Mills for six years now!

Kate Farrell Stanford and husband James welcomed their second daughter on July 14. “Elizabeth Kathryn Stanford, whom we call Lizzie, was 6 pounds, 10 ounces and 19 3/4 inches. So far, life with two little girls has been wonderful, though incredibly hectic. In December, I’ll go back to work at Google, where I lead the marketing team for our emerging industries — CPG, healthcare, local and business and industrial markets. James is an associate at McKinsey.”

Theresa Sullivan announces the birth of her third child and first girl, Marcella Shea, with husband Peter on Sept. 8. Marcella joins her older brothers Sean (born the day we graduated!) and Andrew (3). As if one big life change weren’t enough, Theresa also left IBM in January to work as an account manager at The Savo Group, a SaaS company specializing in sales enablement and started by a fellow Kellogg alum, John Aiello ’95. And, with Marcella’s arrival, “we decided to give up city life and move to the ’burbs . We’re in Naperville now and trying to get used to being able to park for free!”

Megan Elfers and husband Kyle just welcomed their third little boy this summer. There is now Remick (4), Clay (2) and Briggs (4 months). Megan writes, “I am clearly outnumbered by the boys. My husband Kyle and I remain happily in Chicago and I am still working at Wrigley trying to sell more gum.”

Scott Shrum announces that he and wife Anita welcomed their second daughter, Eleanor Singh Shrum, who joins big sister Diana. He writes, “We’ve been living in the Los Angeles area for more than two years now (I serve as vice president of marketing at Veritas Prep, a test prep company in Malibu), and have to say that the weather is far better than what we had back in Illinois.” Chicago winter for Malibu year-round summer? Smart guy! Must be a Kellogg grad ….

Disclaimer: The following text is in no way paid for by Lisa (Ghahraman) Duncan or her current employer. She writes, “I just moved back to San Francisco! I transferred with Google and am very fortunate that they let me keep my job and live where I want to live.” However, we will be in touch with both Lisa and Kate (Farrell) Stanford to discuss monetization of future ’04 World reports. Lisa notes that she is very excited to be back in California and looking forward to reconnecting with Bay Area alums.

Martin Claure writes: “I’m happy to announce that our company, Colfax Realty Group (which caters to Northwestern student housing needs), has moved to 622 Grove St. in Evanston to better assist with students.”

Carrie (Cimmet) Mitchell, husband Scott and daughter Lily (3) welcomed their latest addition, a baby boy named Sam, born on Sept. 23.

Anjali Goel’s ’04 wedding last Labor Day in Chicago drew many members of the Class of ’04. Pictured are Paula Patel, Kannan Arumagam, Kim Matthews, Anjali (Goel) and Amol Dangat, Paul Feng, Jeannette Bahn, Charu Aneja, Sabina Chatterjee and husband Sayant, Kaori Yamada and husband Andy, all ’04 unless noted