Kellogg World Winter 2010
  Charlie and Adrienne Agulla ’03 and their growing family in Nebraska. Evan is getting ready for Kellogg by sporting his Kellogg T-shirt!
  Brady and Colby (Maher) Countryman ’03 with new baby Lynley Isabel and Edan Rose (2)
  Babar Khan ’03, Fatima and baby Zafir at the famous White Horse Tavern in the West Village in New York
  A Kellogg gathering of Rodolfo Novarini, Arturo Vera and Denise Lazo, all ’03, at Denise’s parents’ house in Key Biscayne, Fla.
  Newlyweds Stewart Meyer ’03 and Erin Elizabeth Barrett
  Rodolfo Novarini ’03 and family in a Red Hill, Victoria, vineyard during their farewell to Australia in June this year
  Ryan O’Toole ’03 and Jami ’05 with new baby girl Caitlyn Marie O'Toole
  Dean Peterson ’03 and wife Christy with their newborn baby boy, Ryan Thomas Peterson
  Thomas Poppe ’03, Kasper Leschly ’03, Anouk Lee ’03 and Anouk’s father touring Australia wine country
  Attila Toth ’03, wife Edit and their three kids
  Michelle Miller Woodard ’03, Kamau Woodard ’00 and Jessica Yang ’03 attending a wedding in Kansas City
  Rob and Yelena Zamacona, both ’03, with new baby Sophie


The Class of 2003 has had a very busy 2010. Our class has given birth to babies and business ventures, vacationed around the world and moved with our families to new homes, and joined friends as they celebrated marriages. In true Class of 2003 fashion, we managed to do all this while still finding time to join a cappella groups, run triathlons and play for the National Ultimate Frisbee team, amongst other things.

Quick note from your class representatives: As you know, not every picture will be included in the Kellogg World print edition but they are included in the Kellogg World online edition. We apologize in advance if your photo is not printed, but we hope you’ll go to Kellogg World online to see many more photos of our classmates.

Without further ado…

Future Kellogg classmates: Babar Khan and Fatima welcomed the arrival of future Kellogg alum Zafir Khan on Feb. 25 in the middle of New York’s most severe snowstorm of the season. Weighing in at a lean, mean 7 pounds at birth, Zafir is already showing all the required energy and curiosity of a Kellogg student. He looks forward to meeting all the other future Kellogg alums at the next reunion.

Heather and Mike Shaffer welcomed their bundles of joy, twins Charlie and Tyler, on Feb. 27.

Attila Toth, wife Edit and their three kids are enjoying life in Washington D.C. The latest addition to the Toth clan is Lukas (1). Taking care of him is a breeze when compared to taking care of twins! After having left McKinsey two and a half years ago, Attila has been working hard on growing a startup in the alternative energy sector, focused on financing and building solar power plants. The company, SunEdison, was acquired by a major player in the semiconductor industry. Growth is stronger than ever in the global solar sector, so let Attila know if you are interested in learning more about career opportunities with SunEdison on three continents (North America, Europe and Asia).

Ryan Thomas Peterson was born April 2 in Evanston to first-time parents Christy and Dean Peterson. While Ryan surprised everyone by arriving five weeks early, he hasn’t stopped growing and at six months, he is well over 17 pounds. Dean also reports that he left Bosch back in June and spent the next four months in an exciting role as a “Stay At-Home Dad” taking care of Ryan. In October, Dean traded in the daily routine of poopy diapers, bottle feedings and naptime for office meetings, conference calls and train commutes as he began his new role with Avery Dennison’s transportation OEM group in downtown Chicago.

Swapneel Ekbote and wife Shipla are happy to announce that their second child, Maya, was born May 7. Maya is an easygoing baby but she does not yet sleep through the night. Their older son Nikhil (3) enjoys pretending to sell ice cream and lemonade. Maybe he has a future in marketing? The Ekbote family has been based in Pittsburgh for the last three years and Swap is still working at Eaton in strategy and M&A. His work involves some travel and on a trip last month to Shanghai, he ran into fellow MMM, Yihao Zhang, who by all accounts is doing well.

Juanita Haron and Gizman Abbas ’02 went from a family of two to four this summer. Anasophia and Zain were born in July and all are doing well — although Juanita thinks the babies are probably faring better than the parents at the moment!

Elaine Lu and husband Matt welcomed the birth of daughter Lucy on July 8.

On July 24, Ryan O’Toole and Jami ’05 welcomed Caitlyn Marie O’Toole, weighing in at 7 pounds. They are now adapting to, and enjoying, life as parents. But that isn’t the only change in the O’Toole family! Both Ryan and Jami left BCG and are off to new things. Ryan is running two startups: one is up and running ( and the other is launching in December. Jami joined the Michael and Susan Dell Foundation as a grant officer in the education group. As if these changes weren’t enough, the O’Tooles also moved from Chicago to Austin in October.

Brady and Colby (Maher) Countryman welcomed Lynley Isabel Countryman on July 28, although she is still being called by her in-vitro name “Tater!” Edan Rose (2) is enjoying being a big sister.

Emmy Berlind and husband Andy welcomed Emma Berlind into the world on Aug. 31. Everyone is doing well, and older brother Alex has taken the addition in stride. Now, they just have to protect Emma from overly aggressive brotherly kisses!
Adrianne (Galvin) Agulla and Charlie Agulla welcomed the third and final installment to the Agulla family. Charlotte Nicole joined the family on Sept. 19 and is doing great. The family is still living in Nebraska.

Rob and Yelena Zamacona have been busy since graduation and have been terribly neglectful of their duties to publish what the healthcare companies call “life-changing events.” In an effort to make up for lost time, here are the last five years in a nutshell: Rob and Yelena got married on Jan. 27, 2006 (!) at City Hall in New York City. The “party and the dress” celebration occurred on Aug. 26, 2006 in St. Paul, Minn. A year and a half later, they took their honeymoon to Southeast Asia, where they celebrated New Year’s Eve in Bangkok with Phong Huynh and his family. They continued to hold down jobs and travel and otherwise enjoy life in New York. Life just got a lot more interesting and a lot less predictable on Oct. 2. That day, a gorgeous fall Saturday on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, Rob and Yelena welcomed little bundle of joy Sophie Isabel Zamacona to their world at precisely 6 a.m. While they were unprepared for the chaos, they are immeasurably grateful to have this little girl in their lives.

Moves: In June, Rodolfo Novarini and family moved from Down Under Australia to “down under” USA. They are back in sunny Florida and Isabella (5) and Marco (2) have already adapted to a change from kangaroos and koalas to dolphins and manatees while Ingrid is still adapting to the humidity and Rodolfo to driving on the right side (as opposed to the left side) of the road.

Áine (Lawler) Denari left Ireland and McKinsey & Company this summer to move to the glamorous location of Indianapolis. Aine is working for Ingersoll Rand as director of strategy. So far, so good. Aine is loving her 10-minute commute to work. And her kids, Kyla (5) and Finn (3), are enjoying having an actual summer, as opposed to the Irish all-day every-day rain!

Adriano Allegrini left Roll International (and Los Angeles) in October and moved back to Chicago to join DeVry Inc. as vice president of strategy and business development. Just in time for the winter!

Weddings: What do visitors from Sweden, Israel, Turkey, Belgium and the U.K. have in common? All descended on a series of fantastic locations near Hamburg, Germany, to celebrate the wedding of Florian Funke and Uta over three wonderful days in early July. The combination of perfect weather, outstanding food and wine, delightful churches, castles and beaches and a happy couple made it a true wedding to remember. This group of 1-Yers, with a special 2-Y guest, had a fantastic time and wish Florian and Uta a great married life!

Michele and Vladimir Grlica were married on Sept. 18 in Panarea Island, of the Sicilian coast. Some Kellogg alums joining them include Ana Villegas, Stephen (Ana’s husband), Cédric Pauly and Paul Cheng.

Nancy Rosen and Jonathan Cutler tied the knot May 31 at The Lighthouse at Chelsea Piers in New York City. It was a great wedding made more so by so many wonderful Kellogg friends. Nancy moved from New York to join Jon in London in January, and the pair is enjoying life together across the pond.

Stewart Meyer married Erin Elizabeth Barrett on Sept. 11 in Seattle. A number of Kellogg ’03 classmates were in attendance, including Brian and Daisy (Hatch) Gauck, Joe Levy, Ian Knox, Herman Chiang, Greg Obenshain, Ben Burke, Andy Pollack, Gayatri Batra, Mark Hamachek, Brian Helm and Jay Owen.

Updates, Gatherings and New Ventures: David Grant wasn’t busy enough with his knowledge management career at Deloitte and his growing family with Karen Fang Grant ’04 and their two small boys — Jackson (3) and Declan (2 months). So, this past year he decided to join award-winning Chicago vocal band Vocal CHAOS. The group was founded in 1996 by a bunch of Kellogg guys who sang together in business school. Over the years, the original members moved on and Vocal CHAOS developed into a diverse collection of consultants, actors, students, teachers, computer geeks, playwrights, cartographers, etc.

Several members of the group were featured in the Vince Vaughn movie The Break-Up under the pseudonym “The Tone Rangers.” The group was also featured on a national WGN news broadcast to promote AcappellaFest, an annual festival that is produced and promoted by the group. To learn more about the group, visit

Aaron Martin won the Mexican National Ultimate Frisbee Championship with team Tecos of Guadalajara and represented Mexico with team Ahau Ik at the World Ultimate Disc Championship in Prague. His team from Guadalajara just qualified for the national championship again as one of the top seeds, so hopefully he’ll continue to have some good news to share in future Kellogg Worlds!

Much thanks to Juan Antonio Martinez for again providing several updates on our Kellogg classmates! As arguably one of the most important events worldwide took over TVs, newspapers, magazines, webpages, e-mails, chats and social networks this summer, Juan would like to finish the World Cup discussions — particularly the one regarding how Mexico once again lost to Argentina in second round. But, at least we all celebrated when David Nuñez’s home country became the new world champion. Jan Rohde also celebrated, although you could say that if you cheer for Germany, Spain, Mexico, Salvador and Chile, your probabilities of “winning” the World Cup are pretty big.

Not to be outdone by Aaron Martin (see above), Ricardo Ballesteros, Santiago Rivera and Juan Martinez swam, rode and ran in the Veracruz Triathlon, where Santiago surprised everyone by finishing 14th in his category. Wives Georgina and Lupita and their children cheered for them from the sidelines ... except for Viviana, who also ran the triathlon and beat Juan! Juan’s excuse for his triathalon showing is that two weeks before the competition he spent 10 days in Baske country in northern Spain, eating and drinking as if there were no tomorrow. But don’t worry. Although Juan’s body mass increased up to 208 pounds, he is already down to 188 pounds. So let’s see what happens when they all participate in Acapulco’s triathlon next November!

Juan also reports that after months of constant travelling back and forth between Atlanta, Mexico City and Mexicali, Selman Careaga finally moved with his family to Atlanta due to his new job as global brand director of Fanta and Sprite.

Lucianne Gallucci and Elaine Schulz stopped by Seattle to kick off their “Marathon Cruise” to Alaska and saw Jorge Montoya and Jessica Yang.

Ajay Chawan is dusting off his factory physics book to help him manage the factory he (and his investor group) just bought. The factory is in Greenville, S.C., and makes shelf-stable meals (think of MREs, but better tasting). Ajay is still CEO of Smarter Foods but has taken on a second job as the CEO of Gics Foods (the aforementioned factory) and is working on turning it into a profitable business. MMMs: Come on down to Greenville to check it out and lend a hand!

Elena Dobinda returned to her previous company in New York, but resides in Florida. Now if anyone complains about a long commute to work, please compare it to weekly flights from New York to Miami!

Karen Lee has come full circle and returned to the K-12 sector that she worked in prior to Kellogg. This time, it’s at the Broad Center (spinoff of Eli Broad’s foundation) as associate director of recruitment for the Broad Residency, a prestigious leadership development program that places mainly MBA professionals into management-level roles (usually director level) in school districts, charter school management organizations (e.g., KIPP Schools), and federal/state departments of education (e.g., Arne Duncan’s office in D.C.). If you’ve seen Oscar-winning director Guggenheim’s movie Waiting for Superman, you know how urgent the work of urban education reform is. She hopes you spread the word about the Broad Residency (, for the sake of all the beautiful Kellogg ’03 babies and other children out there who deserve better public schools.

Karen is also developing a book idea around working parenthood that could feature you. Reach out to her if you’re interested! On the personal side, Karen and husband Andy are looking on the brighter side of being trapped under a condo mortgage in Los Angeles and using the opportunity to enjoy life on the beautiful Westside before the near-inevitable move to the suburbs in the next one to 10 years (for the schools, of course). Come visit while you can!

Thomas Poppe and Kasper Leschly went Down Under to catch up with Anouk Lee and enjoy her father’s impeccable wine knowledge (and driving), touring around her maiden Adelaide and Barossa Valley — think Napa, just with the sun in the north and Queen Elizabeth on the paper notes! Thomas and Kasper are still in the retail trenches of China, coming to 130 shops by year-end and a potential male shoe brand extension next year. Anouk just moved up the ranks of Sara Lee to operations director of their Australian coffee business. Cheers!

Rodolfo Novarini, Arturo Vera and Denise Lazo gathered their families for a fantastic reunion at Denise’s parents’ beautiful house in Key Biscayne.

Nancy Rosen and Jon Cutler, both ’03, are joined by several Kellogg alumni at their wedding. From left: Jeff Fleishman, Jenny Liang-Milward, Ian Milward ’02, Adam Waxman, Belinda (Marcus) Roth, Sue (Lee) Sabow, Jesse (Marmon) Haines, Diane (Gomez) Thinnes, Samantha Barnes, Adam Sabow ’04, Juanita (Haron) Abbas, Rob Black, Jennie Tsai ’00, Adam Gold, Beth (Krettecos) Nonas, Gizman Abbas ’02, Paul Cheng and Tsafi Oranski, all ’03 unless noted

A Kellogg reunion at Vladimir ’03 and Michele Grlica’s wedding. Pictured are Ana Villegas ’03 and her husband Stephen, Michele and Vladimir Grlica ’03, Cédric Pauly ’03, Jose and Paul Cheng ’03
Reunited in Seattle, from left: Lucianne Gallucci, Elaine Schulz, Jorge Montoya and Jessica Yang, all ’03
Kellogg Reunion at Funke wedding, from left: Carl v. Schantz ’03, Hanna v. Schantz, Katia Cioffi, Paolo Cuomo ’03, Fabrice, Pietro Brambilla ’03, Florian Funke ’03, bride Uta, Johan de Beukelear ’03, Berengere de Beukelear-de Wergifosse, Manuel Ho ’03, Fiona Tan ’03, Ariel Hasson ’03 and Paul Cheng’03