Attention Class of 2008 Part-Time: If you are interested in learning more about your 1-year Reunion, please contact Jamie Rominski at 847.467.7142 or j-rominski@kellogg.northwestern.edu.
Bonnie Chan and Phil Sammarco were married Aug. 8 in Chicago after a long engagement. Bonnie is a finance director at Sara Lee Corporation and Phil is the head of treasury at Schawk Inc.
Cristina Cutri moved to Dallas to take a position in marketing innovation with Frito-Lay.
Jeff Schmitt accepted a new position with Covidien (formerly Tyco Healthcare) in Connecticut. He and his wife Kristin are interested in connecting with Kellogg grads living in the Connecticut/NYC area. If anyone lives near or is traveling to the area please do not hesitate to look them up.
Vikas ’08, Stephanie and Terrick Murthy |
Vikas Murthy and his wife Stephanie welcomed their first child Terrick Andrew on Aug. 22.
Sean Casey helped start Chicago-based boutique private equity firm SF Holdings LLC and serves as the executive director and CIO. He is excited about the entrepreneurial opportunity.
Chris Roth started a new job with United Healthcare in June. He is the regional vice president of business marketing for the central region. Chris and his wife Kate welcomed their first child Conner Joseph Roth on Jan. 27 and settled in Glen Ellyn, Ill., this summer.
Mark Allen and his wife Leslie welcomed their first child Tyler Henry on July 24. They're enjoying the new addition to their family in Chicago where Mark works as a commercial banker at JPMorgan Chase.
Jon Burgart began a new position in the management development program with Abbott Laboratories. He and his wife Amy welcomed their new baby Aubrey Lynn to the world on Aug. 19. The whole family is happy and healthy.
RJ Wolney and his wife Kathleen traveled this summer to Thailand and Hong Kong. They visited Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Phuket, Ko Phi Phi and Kowloon. Shortly following their return, RJ started a new job at Duff and Phelps with the investment banking group. |