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Suresh Dingare writes that, over the years, he has not lost fond memories of his time at Kellogg. He still reflects the values he and wife Ila always held. They're both very proud of their daughters. Amiya has a fulfilling career at Morgan Stanley as vice president in the core equity department. Daughter Shipra has completed law school at a Scotland university and is finishing an apprenticeship in human rights law. Suresh is an executive at International Fund Service, a hedge fund administrator and travelled to the Galapagos Islands and Quito, Ecuador with Ila during October.

More family news from Julius Washington and wife Mary, who celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary Sept. 24 in Mexico.

CBS News recently featured Lisa Marini Finerty's new venture of leading tours of the "secret gardens" of Rome. Writes Lisa: "The entrepreneurial training is paying off!"  

As for me, I'm co-chair of the Kellogg centennial gala (along with Betsy DeHaas Holden). We look forward to a fulfilling celebration throughout the year. Please e-mail or call me to find out more.

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University