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Bob EMP-59 and wife Sara Rossi at the completion of the Ironman, Wisconsin race on Sept. 9.  

Well, the gang was all here to celebrate a little summer fun reunion at Amy Schuman's home in June. The turnout was great with Barb Zeifer flying in from New York, Aamer Quadri, Ed Blumen, Mark Bernhard, Jeff Wilkison, Mo O'Gorman, Chris Moore, Heidi Vorhees, Lynn Lullo, just to name a few attendees. The day was beautiful, the pool divine and I heard that fun was had by all. This author regrets her lack of attendance due to a prior commitment.

Rana Singh wrote to tell of two exciting events in his life: a new baby boy, Jaisal Singh, and a new company, OPSON Inc. — a career neworking site for IT professionals and techies.

Dr. Ed Blumen celebrated his big 6-0 at the end of September with a party at his lakeside home in Pleasant Prairie, Wis.

Heidi Vorhees ran in the Walter Payton run for Liver Disease. I met up with Heidi after the race, and she told me that she ran for a friend who died at the age of 35 of this horrific disease. My husband, Tony Bylak EMP-65, was also a runner in the event and I was there to cheer him on.

Bob Rossi ran the Wisconsin Ironman in September. He completed this odyssey in just over 12 hours. This is a qualifying race for the world renowned Hawaiian Ironman. Bob had great times for his first complete ironman triathlon and we are sure proud of his accomplishments!

Looking forward to hearing more for our next edition!

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University