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  EMP-51's Coleman McDonough, Steve "Love Boy" Sullins and Bill Wynne prepare to torment London.
Greetings, alumni. Long time, no write. Sorry about that. Many things at play including major surgery, job change and general irritability. All is well, left Ford after 18 years. On to Con-Way as director of event and alliance marketing. Change is good. I heard the reunion was not widely attended this year, but those that went had a great time. Wish I could have been there. Helen Chionis reported there were more than 50 percent of the female members of EMP-51 in attendance. Helen is also busy driving support for cancer initiatives. Keep up the good work, Helen!

Randy Hopper is busy harvesting his Tall Corn Music business and promoting his latest project, Kilroy. Look for them at the Ford Championship Weekend in November where they will be headlining the Ford RaceFest. Lead singer Carroll Smith will be singing the National Anthem at Saturday's Ford 200 on ESPN. Lots of fun to work the Kellogg connections for mutual benefit!

David He provides the following update: "In 2006, I moved from Shanghai to Beijing, taking on a very interesting role as the general manager of GE's Beijing Olympic Programs. As a worldwide sponsor of the Olympic Games, we spent a lot of time working with the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the Beijing Olympic organizing committee (BOCOG) and Beijing government to develop new venues and infrastructures in preparation for the upcoming 2008 Beijing Olympic games. A broad range of GE's products will be used in various projects. Early in 2006, I went to Torino, Italy, to attend and observe the Winter Olympic Games. It was a fantastic experience. I am confident the Beijing Olympic Games will be even more exciting. Hope some of our classmates would be able to join me here in Beijing in 2008. Given all the excitement around the Beijing Olympics, it was probably very hard to imagine that I would make a career change at this point. But I did! After working over 12 years for GE, I have left the company and recently joined a U.S. private equity firm called Bain Capital. I will be based in Shanghai, overseeing all the investments the firm is making in China and in parts of Asia. Talking about a small world, it turns our that Jeff Hederick now works for one of the Bain Capital's portfolio companies. We will soon have a chance to get together in Shanghai.

"Over the last year, I have had opportunities to meet several of our classmates, Kellogg professors and staff in China, including Dean Dipak Jain and Dean Jacob. The EMP GIM team will be coming again in March. Will have an opportunity to get together with Julie, Bernie and other folks again. I am also looking forward to seeing you and other classmates here in China in the near future."

Steve Monks checked in, too: "Mary Sarah and I moved back to Fontana, Wis., (opposite end of Lake Geneva) in February so that we could be close to the kids again. I took a position as vice president of operational excellence for a division of Pentair Water located in Delavan, Wis. We are thrilled to be back up north, but damn it's cold here after living in Mississippi for five years. Living in the South has been good for our health also as the weather is very conducive to outdoor exercising. Mary Sarah and I will join our daughter for our third consecutive Chicago Marathon this October. If anyone is up for the challenge, you're welcome to join us. Our oldest son, Kevin, got married two years ago and lives in Davenport, Iowa. Our daughter Helen is getting her doctorate in pharmacology at the University of Wisconsin, and our youngest, Robert, graduates from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee this year. We are certainly thrilled to be on the other side of college tuition now.

"Sorry we will not be able to make the reunion this year since other family obligations will prohibit it. Good luck to everyone and hope to see you at the 10-year."

Marc Zimmermann has some good news: "Ashley, Zach and I are pleased to announce the birth of Kaitlyn Ann Zimmermann. Our little girl was born April 25. She weighed 7 pounds, 15 ounces, and measured 19 inches. Mom and Kaitlyn are doing well and both returned home from Seton Hospital yesterday."

I then received the following addendum from the Zimmermann clan: "Zach turned two on June 29 and Kaitlyn turned three months old last week. Time is flying. Kaitlyn is a great baby, and Zach adores his little sister and is a very helpful big brother. Marc has been working too hard and even played 'Mr. Mom' when he let me go to Colorado with some girlfriends for a getaway/tennis camp this past weekend. I am so lucky! I guess he will get me back when he goes to Justin's bachelor party in Mexico for a few days in September.

"It has been a surprisingly wet summer in Austin, but we are still managing to have lots of fun. Thanks to everyone for all the well wishes. Sorry if we have not been able to get back to each of you individually. There are just not enough hours in the day. Hope all is well with you and yours."

Bruce Smith's wife, Jan sent a note to stay connected: "It has been a long time since I have written you, actually four years now. I assume many of you are looking forward to celebrating the five-year anniversary of your graduation. Congratulations — you are a great group! You were such a blessing to our family and to Bruce.

"I thought that I would do two things in this e-mail. First, give you a brief update on what we, Bruce's family, are doing now. I have now graduated with my undergrad degree in Psychology. Since that degree is a stepping stone to what I really want to do, I am making preparations to move in with my mother to save money as I pursue experience in my field and the graduate degree necessary in order to eventually practice as a Marriage and Family Counselor. This has been a dream of mine for many years.

"Our oldest son, Daniel, who will be 21 this summer, graduated from the University of Minnesota with a degree focusing on mathematics, computer-based research and Neuroscience. He started last fall on his PhD in mathematics in the same fields, at the University of Pittsburgh in cooperation with Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh, Pa. He was awarded an IGERT grant (a one- to two-year grant to help grad students pursuing research) in April. He continues to develop computer models to help understand how the brain acts/reacts to different chemicals, etc. He definitely takes after his dad's workaholic side.

"Our youngest son, Michael, is an intern at a large non-profit association which works with many local churches and denominations across the United States to help teens realize they are our future and focus on living Godly, family and community-involved lives. This year in the program, Michael has become much more self-disciplined and focused, and has been able to use and expand his strong knowledge in IT. He has actually been able to work in a business setting where they have 800 computers, and is in the process of preparing to get multiple IT certifications, increase his supervisory experience and continue work on college undergrad courses. At 19, he has become quite a man. He is considering eventually becoming a missionary after finishing his education, perhaps in mathematics or computer science. Also, like his dad, he likes to have many projects and areas of interest/education going at one time. Sorry this is so long, but it has been a long time. I hope that you are all well and you have been able to pursue your dreams after your graduation. And yes, the second part is that I am also going too ask for something.

"In memory of Bruce, and his long battle with leukemia, Daniel ran a marathon in San Diego on June 3 to raise money for cancer research. To participate in this event, he committed to raise $4300 with any shortfall coming out of his own pocket. He committed of his own accord with a minimum amount raised. Thanks for reading. Would love to hear what is going on in your lives."

Thank YOU, Jan. Stay in touch; we miss Bruce very much.

Spoke to Jim (Jiminy) Gibbs recently. He's still at Honeywell and working on stuff he'd have to kill me for if he told me. Rock on!

Bob Muhs is keeping a watchful eye over me whilst gallivanting about the country on NWA. I try to call him when things go right, too! Thanks for all the help, Bob!

Finally, Coleman McDonough and Steve Sullins helped my wife (Bunny) celebrate her birthday in London. We took the obligatory shot on Sullins deck prior to going out to the Cuban restaurant on the final night. Got out of town just in time the next morning after Sullins sent us to catch a cab where we had to walk 1.5 miles (with Bunny luggage) as there were no cabs anywhere. For more musings and ramblings, ask Steve to send you a scan of the 12+ pages I left him in his guest book. For those of you wishing more revealing photos of the festivities, please let me know and we'll handle that privately.

Also, please take a minute to send me your most recent contact information at I've lost touch with many of you and want to ensure I do my part to keep us connected.

No more BS for you to guess — see comment above on general irritability.

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University