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We got a great update recently from Louise Pauly. Louise writes: "I have had a couple changes in my career and thought it might be a good time to say hi to everyone. After I graduated from Kellogg, Advanced Ceramics Corp. (ACC) promoted me to vice president of sales and marketing. Soon after, I became a part owner of the company. In late 2003, we were offered and accepted a buy-out from General Electric, and I signed a three-year contract with GE to stay on and facilitate with the transition from a small company culture to a large corporation. After completing the GE obligation, I started working for a small family-owned business in Chicago. This new business is in a totally different arena than ACC's material science business. I am vice president of sales and marketing for TotalWorks Inc., an 80-year-old company that was started by the present CEO's grandfather. We provide IT services in the publishing industry. Our four-person management team will be given the opportunity to buy the company in a few years when the two owners retire. I have a lot to learn in my new career and it sometimes seems a bit overwhelming. There is much more to the marketing, publishing and direct mail campaigns than meets the eye. What I do know for sure is, I will never look at any piece of published material the same way again. A great deal of effort goes into every piece of literature, whether it is a catalog for office products or a mailed flyer about a sale happening on Thanksgiving. There is a line of professionals who are very technical in nature; from the graphic designer of the subject piece to the person who writes the computer code that transfers the content digitally to the printer or to the web page. It is a great business that continues to evolve. Our management team feels proud to be part of the culture and will be working to continue the evolution. Hi to all. Please keep the updates coming and we wish everyone a great year."

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University