— Full-Time Adil
married Zenita in Calgary, Canada, in March 2007. Adil writes,
"My wife and I are enjoying our new house and the summertime!"
July 14, a sizeable Kellogg clan attended Brian
Irwin's wedding to Shannon Ames. The ceremony and reception took place in Chicago
and was the first Irish Catholic wedding to celebrate the
blessed union with the Hora! Shannon and Brian celebrated
with Shalini Bhatia, Gosia Bobrowska, Ben Chuba, Kelly
Donahoe, Amy Hsiao, Kenny Huang, Czarek Jarzabek, Meghan King, Jessica Lan, Chrissy
Lowe, Jason Maga, Luigi Marandola,
Sandi Medeiros, Keith Nelson, Dave Neville, Gary
Ross, Doug Rouse, Randy Skattum,
Sandi Smith, Clay Virgil and Steve Waddell. After
a two-week honeymoon in Hawaii, they are living in the Streeterville
neighborhood of Chicago.
Kellogg reunion in Austin included, from left, Raquel
Aceves, Reuben Toledo, Cathy Heitz (JV), Chris Arbuthnot,
Steve Weger, Shawn Heitz, Chris McMillen, Tim Moore, Matt
Peterson, Gareth Jones and Chris Enock, all '06 Poets. |
Borde '06 and his new little one |
d'Arabian '06 and his new twins |
Hauswirth '06 |
Arsala and Noreen Khowaja, both '06, at Mina's wedding |
and Ashish Kasturia '06 |
Lucht '06, his wife and daughter |
the wedding of Renee '06 and Alex Martin were (from left)
Alex Liu, Timothy Moore, Dennis DeBassio, Kristen Sherman,
Ben Olds, Ali Coleman (maid of honor), all '06, Kameron
Rezai '07, Mileva Zunjic, Carol Kim, Dheeraj Anej), Kim
Olds (Ben's wife), Mike, Diana Lee (bridesmaid) all '06. |
and Sridhar Parameshwaran '06 with baby Jyotsna. For full
story see summer 2007 Kellogg World. |
Parfet '06 at the top of Mt. Everest |
Scott '06, wife Rachel and son Max Robert |
Wittkowsky '06, Chloe Maitrejean and John Maitrejean '06 |
Yashin, Christian Fernandex, Mileva Zunjic and Carol Kim,
all '06, enjoy dinner in Marrakech. |
July 21, Renee Martin married Alex Cherubin, her college
sweetheart, in Cleveland among 300 friends and family. After
the wedding, Renee and Alex headed to Asia for a Honeymoon
tour of Tokyo, Beijing and Phuket, Thailand. After two weeks
of rest and relaxation and a few shopping sprees at the custom
tailor shops, Renee and Alex are back in their condo in Chicago,
trying to balance work with the tasks of sorting through wedding
gifts and writing thank you notes. Renee would like to give
a shout out to all of her close Kellogg friends who made it
to her wedding: "Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful
day with Alex and me. It meant the world to have all of you
at our wedding!"
July 28, classmates joined Maria Charnitski
when she married Warren Stansberry in Spring Lake, Michigan.
They were surrounded by her family and close friends in an
incredibly beautiful and touching ceremony. A trolley, lunch
by the beach and an elegant evening of dinner and dancing
followed. Congratulations Maria; we love you!
Kim writes of her trip to Morocco to attend Amine Sebti's
wedding: "In July, Mileva Zunjic and I were able
to peel Nazar Yasin away from his desk at Goldman Sachs
in London for a 10-day roadtrip through Morocco. We rented
a little Renault and went on a fantastic ride that included
scuba diving in Tetouan, and discovering the tastiest, remotest
diner in Spain. Nazar was able to translate "whaaaaaddduuuuppp"
into Arabic, which undoubtedly helped in communicating with
the locals. We picked up Cristian Fernandez along the
way in Marrakech, and made our way to Casablanca for Amine
Sebti and Zineb Benis' amazing three-day wedding festivities,
where we were joined by the rest of the Kellogg crew: Keech
Combe, Akshay Shetty, Carlo Polacco, Luca
Torre, Aurelie Esperandieu, David Milestone, Robert
Smith and Ania Smith. Amine and Zineb looked stunning
in their Moroccan wedding attire, the ceremonies were unbelievably
gorgeous, complete with African percussionists and traditions,
and both families were truly gracious hosts."
Arsala got married
to Pedram (John) Shafaee in a beautiful ceremony on July 7.
They held their ceremony on a clear, cool day in Chicago,
at the Harold Washington Library, which we all remember from
the Charity Auction Ball our first year. The courtyard was
even more lovely under a summer sky, which we didn't get to
see in February, and it reflected the beauty and sincerity
of the vows underneath. The event was a veritable Moose reunion
(we'll include Nick Underhill as an honorary Moose for the day, even though he
may not cop to it). Among many close friends from undergraduate
work and Kellogg, the event was attended by Amanda
Weimer and her husband, Kirk, Aarathi (Agadi) Singh and her husband, Brian Schneider, Noreen
Khowaja, Nick Underhill, and Lisa Slouffman and her husband Alex Fisher. Among many fun parts of the event, we all enjoyed
dancing to Afghan and Persian music as well as many Kellogg
favorites. No one tore up the dance floor quite like Mina
and Aarathi, although Amanda and Noreen also did quite well.
Lawrence writes: "I
am excited to announce that I married Stefanie Tjaden on Sept.
8 in Northeast Harbor, Maine. Kellogg alums in attendance
included: Matt Dickman '07, Kirsten (Ekdahl)Hull, Joshua Mandel '07, Hussain Naqi,J.J. Ofer, Ben Rikkers, Alex Dukes
and Nazar Yasin. I am finishing up my management rotations
and most likely settling in London this fall."
Lewis writes: "I got married to Bryan Jaffe (despite
his being a Wharton grad) in a small Jackson, Wyoming, ceremony
in July (with Susan Morrow Bell '99 leading the ceremony).
Much to Megan King's excitement, Moose were present."
alums travelled to Louisville, Kentucky, to attend the traditional
Hindu wedding of Shilpa Borkar and Daniel Hosler
on May 27. The wedding party included Kellogg alums Alex
Dukes, Eileen Schreiber, Jessica Bailey,
Stormy Scott, Brad O'Dell, Rich McPhillips
and Brian Teets.
Scott writes: "On
June 19, my wife Rachel and I welcomed our son, Max Robert
Scott, into the world. Max weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces, and
was born with a full head of hair! Max is now 2 months old
and is doing great, and Rachel and I are absolutely thrilled."
D'Arabian and Melissa write: "We couldn't let 2007
slip by without having another baby, could we? We're proud
to announce the arrival of twin girls Margaux Capucine and
Oceane Avalon, born on Aug. 28. Mom is recovering great, big
sisters Valentine and Charlotte are quite proud, and Philippe
says now the girls will all have to choose between getting
a college education and having a wedding! Four girls under
two-and-a-half — now the REAL fun begins."
Lucht writes: "Lillian Kaye Lucht was born on the
lucky day of July 7! She weighed in at 6 pounds, 11 ounces.
All of us are doing well and are spoiled by the many Kellogg
friends that have come to visit us. We can't wait for everyone
to meet her dressed in her new Kellogg outfit!"
Borde writes: "Dear friends, 20 months after Matteo,
we are thrilled to announce the birth of baby boy Luca on
Aug. 16. Mom and baby are feeling great, big brother and daddy
are very proud, and everybody came home today. We can't wait
to see you again with our boys, Antoine, Maite, Matteo and
Parfet sends in a photo from his recent successful Everest
expedition on May 17. He received recognition in the Kalamazoo
Gazette recently. See a full write-up in the Class Notes,
summer 2007 edition.
summer, a couple alumni planned to meet Tim Moore in
Austin, but serendipity led to a surfeit of '06 Poets rocking
out in Austin. Chris Enock, Chris Arbuthnot,
Chris McMillen, Matt Peterson, Gareth Jones,
Steve Weger, Shawn and Cathy Heitz met
up with new Austin residents Tim Moore, Raquel Aceves and
Reuben Toledo for one crazy night. We're pretty sure a good
time was had by all. With Tim's guidance the Chris-es, Heitz-es,
Steve and Matt spent the weekend escaping the Austin heat
by exploring the surrounding lakes and rivers. Only light
casualties were sustained while tubing down the nearby rapids,
infiltrating a local waterslide park and violating most rules
governing lake boating.
Wittkowsky writes:
"I returned home to Cleveland after graduation to join
Whole Health Management as director, business operations.
Whole Health, based in Cleveland, is a national leader in
providing on-site healthcare services to the employees of
major U.S. corporations, including such clients as Continental
Airlines, Sprint, Capital One, Fidelity, Intel, Qualcomm and
Discovery Communications. This October, David was named vice
president of human capital, with strategic HR responsibility
for 600 employees across the country. He's enjoying the work,
the company's preventive care mission, and his terrific colleagues,
even though he's the only Kelloggian in an HBS house. In early
August, David passed through Seattle for a quick visit, and
was able to connect with Kelly and Celeste Donahoe (Kelly's at Microsoft, Celeste is at SAP) and
Jennifer Lewis (who
has paired her chef's training with her B-school education
to launch Petit Four Legs (petitfourlegs.com), a specialty dog treats bakery. All are doing
very well, and enjoying the Pacific Northwest. In August,
John Maitrejean
(who's at P&G), his wife Heather and their daughter Chloe
(1) drove up from Cincinnati for a weekend visit. Lots of
rain, lots of laughs, and lots of great food."
Carol writes: "I left my job as an ABM on HUGGIES
Diapers at Kimberly-Clark in late June so that Chas '07 and
I could have the summer off. We spent most of our time preparing
to move to New Jersey, but escaped for two weeks on a cruise
to Russia and Scandinavia. In August we moved to Florham Park,
N.J. (between Morristown and Livingston). Chas just started
his job as an ABM on Electrasol dishwasher detergent for Reckitt-Benckiser,
and I just accepted a position with Novartis OTC as an ABM
on Benefiber. We're having fun getting to know the area and
taking advantage of our proximity to New York City. We're
also looking forward to re-connecting with all the various
'06 and '07 Kellogg alums in the area!"
Kasturia writes: "I married Bhavna during my last
quarter at Kellogg. I met her over my summer internship at
Credit Suisse in New York City in the summer of 2005. After
graduating from Kellogg in 2006, I started my investment banking
job at Banc of America Securities in San Francisco. As Bhavna
is doing her medical residency in Philadelphia, we lived apart
for the first one and a quarter year. In August 2007, we decided
enough was enough. Life is short and we wanted to be together.
As a result, I quit my job and moved to Philadelphia for the
last 10-odd months of Bhavna's residency. At present, I'm
adjusting to my new (temporary) life as a devoted house husband,
and will soon start looking for my next career (banking is
behind me now). Recently we visited Toronto and the Niagara
Singer was accepted into the Broad Residency Program,
a management development program that places talented early
career executives into full-time paid positions at top levels
of urban school systems. |