— Part-Time
and John Brescia welcomed Lucas William into their
lives on May 15. Lucas is growing quickly and even made his
first plane trip to Chicago in August. They still live in
Boston but definitely miss Chicago and the Cubs!
(Mathson) and Dan Richlen got married last year
on June 16. Melissa reports: "We managed to get away
for a bit to explore Italy's wine country and Paris. Now a
year into it, we moved up to the North Center neighborhood
in Chicago and seem to be busy with house projects each weekend,
including getting ready for our golden retriever puppy, Mazie.
I'm still working at the MacArthur Foundation, focused on
the private equity and venture capital portfolio."
(Michaels) Monaghan and her husband, Matt, became
the proud parents of Nicholas Andrew Monaghan on May 29, as
he joined big brother Liam.
Lynch is taking a short leave from U.S. Equities Realty
to care for his new twin daughters, Grace and Jane. They join
older sibs Jack and Cate to make for a full household!