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Attention Class of 1988: If you are interested in learning more about your 20th reunion, please call Katie Lakey at 847.467.1646 or

Hello Class of '88. I've been busy living life in the north suburbs of Chicago and doing the Motorola thing for the North American market. Lots of excitement there with new product launches. I've been taking quick trips around Indianapolis, Portland, Oklahoma City, Fargo, Ft. Wayne, and Cincinnati. Not as exotic as Beijing, but all wonderfully interesting as I swiftly drive through them in an effort to make a day trip and not have to pack a toothbrush.

I don't have much news, other than that my business travels have brought me to Scott Ableman's fine company InPhonic near Washington, D.C., and I enjoyed seeing Debbie and his inquisitive children Ethan (12) and Hannah (8, almost 9), our newest and coolest phones, and gathering key insights into the under-15 market segment.

I heard from Amy Wahlert Principi, who is now the president of Wahlert Foundation as of Sept. 16. Since its inception in 1948, this foundation has contributed in excess of $12.5MM to support education, the underserved, healthcare and the arts, primarily in the Dubuque, Iowa, area.

Tom Zinsmeister has a new job at Abbot Labs, taking his family back to Germany again, for their second stint there. His girls, Ellie and Sarah, get two hours of German lessons a day, have learned some German children's songs, and started soccer (futbal). He and the family have been doing a lot of mountain biking. Tom's wife, Julie, has joined a women's club, and plans on some volunteer work in the near future.

I will enjoy hearing from everyone at the holidays. Send me your holiday letters, and I'll delete the part about how Aunt Edna is getting along with her bunions, and similar.

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