classmates. I hope this column finds you healthy and happy.
It has been quite a while since we have had a column update,
as it is difficult to submit one when no one keeps in touch!
So please, please go in right now and update your address
book with my correct e-mail address. Please also note that
all of my contact information has changed recently and is
listed above. Get out your erasers and white-out and make
the changes in your address/phone books today!
more reminder: update your contact information at the Kellogg
alumni Web site (alumni.kellogg.northwestern.edu) so
that we can all remain in touch! I no longer maintain a distribution
list for our class, so the only way you can ensure that future
communications reach you is by using the Kellogg broadcast
e-mail platform. If you are not keeping your contact information
up to date with Kellogg, then you will continue to miss any/all
e-mails from me. Now, that would be a tragedy.
wedding in Kauaii, from left: Kellie (daughter of Carol),
Carol (Karney) Kern EMP-32, son Zachary and husband Kelly. |
(Karney) Kern EMP-32 and husband Kelly. |
to the incredible lack of input from anyone, you are now going
to be forced to read about the latest-and-greatest happenings
in the life of Carol Karney. First and foremost, I
was engaged last summer to a wonderful man who I met while
on a business trip to Sprint in Kansas City. His name is Kelly
Kern and while he is a huge Big Ten fan, he is unfortunately
a Buckeye, born and raised in the Columbus, Ohio, area. He
bleeds Ohio-State red, which makes football season a lot of
fun around our house. We married in April while in Hawaii
for spring break with my two kids (Kellie and Zachary) by
our sides.
yes, I now have a husband and daughter with the same name.
In the midst of this, I left Covad and became an official,
full-time, stay-at-home mom for the first time in my life.
My days are now filled with volunteering at schools, running
sports teams, carpooling, packing lunches and lots and lots
of golf. I have to admit, I do not miss United Airlines or
Marriott Hotels one bit. Speaking of golf, Kelly and I headed
west to Pebble Beach a little while back and attempted to
conquer those gorgeous courses!
life-changing event occurred this summer when the kids and
I relocated to Leawood, Kan., in time for the 2006 school
year. Kelly's company is located here, along with great schools,
parks and unlimited golf! The downside, of course, is having
to watch the Royals and Chiefs instead of the Cubs and the
Bears. Just no comparison.
wedding reception with Dan Haight EMP-32, Patricia Shafer
EMP-32 and friends. |
May, Kelly and I hosted a wedding reception party here in
Kansas, and we were very fortunate to have Dan Haight and
Patricia Shafer join us. It is always fun to see and catch
up with those two!
wrote to let me know that after their May trip to Kansas,
they jetted off to Utah in July to hike parts of Zion National
Park, where Dan climbed Angel's Landing with the aid of the
renowned chain bolted to a narrow path with 1,200-foot drops
on either side. Stud! Dan took a new position at Bowater as
vice president of integrated customer services and planning.
This new role takes him from head of sales for a division
to a corporate-wide role that links sales, customer service,
strategy, finance and logistics. This new position will mark
the first time in 17 years that Dan will not be constantly
on the road — a very welcome change.
book for women, Enlightened Power, continues to do
well, and her company, Compel Ltd., is expanding its global
leadership development work. Her research, "The Whole
World at Work," has been featured at several international
conferences. She's introduced a leadership development initiative
just for technology managers in multinational companies and
is also serving on the HIV/AIDS leadership council of Save
the Children, where she's involved in fundraising for World
AIDS Day, Dec. 1. Dan and Patricia now call Greenville, S.C.,
Smithe EMP-32 at Wrigley Field. |
heard from Tim Smithe recently. He and his brothers
joined forces with the Chicago Cubs this past season, as evidenced
by the Walter Smithe logos plastered around the park and dugout!
Tim says, "Wrigley is the best theatre in major league
baseball, and we are thrilled to be a part of it. Walter E.
Smithe is a hometown company and — as hometown brands
are fading — Smithe and the Cubs are standing together
for family, fun and Chicago tradition." John F. McDonough,
the head of marketing for the Cubs and a member of the Northwestern
sports marketing faculty approached Tim when the opportunity
became available. The partnership is a true symbol of Chicago,
and through this venture, Walter E. Smithe was able to donate
the two best seats in Wrigley Field to dozens of Chicago area
charities for use in various fundraisers, with proceeds going
directly to these not-for-profit organizations. "Philanthropy
has always been a cornerstone at Smithe," says Tim, "and
my brothers and I have devoted our lives to our grandfather's
and father's principles of giving." Last but not least,
Tim reminds us all that "the Cubs are always in first
place on opening day!"