Kellogg World Alumni Magazine, Winter 2003Kellogg School of Management
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TMP 2003

Transitions is the word that describes the Class of 2003. Following graduation, our classmates have been busy moving to new positions and locations, getting married, having children and adjusting to life without late-night classes and meeting-filled weekends.

Joseph P. Conlon III recently got married and is still with IBM as an eBusiness tower manager.

Bo Sandine is now COO of WSH LLC in Mission Viejo, Calif. He lives in Laguna Beach and often hangs out with his best TMP buddy, Maria Ramirez ’02.

Steve Wooledge and his wife, Vicki, now live in San Jose, where Steve is working as product marketing manager for analytics applications at Business Objects. Steve made a painless job transition from sales at Business Objects, although he cannot say the same for the move. The couple bought a house in Silicon Valley and are settling in nicely.

Peter Booth transferred from working as a manager at Kraft’s dairy procurement division to managing the Southeast Asian coffee office for Kraft Foods International in Singapore.

Ed Burns married Amy Koch on July 12 at St. Ferdinand in Chicago.
John Bye left Pfizer and moved to New Jersey to be a consultant at Campbell Alliance, a pharmaceutical/biotech management consulting firm.
Dave Gerhart and his wife, Kathleen, moved to St. Louis, where Dave took a position as strategic planner with Emerson at its corporate headquarters. He is enjoying his weekends free of group meetings.
Sean Treccia has moved from his position as a project manager at UPS to a position as marketing manager at KPMG in Chicago.

Peter W. Rossow, his wife, Jamie, and their sons, John and William, welcomed Anna Rose to their family on April 21. Peter was promoted to manager in the risk management and captive consulting practice of Ernst & Young in Chicago.

Christy Brown has moved to Denver, to take a position as marketing manager for Renaissance Mark.

Barry R. Blankfield was recently selected for promotion to the rank of commander in the Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps.

Doug Bennett and his wife, Heather, welcomed a pair of babies to their family. The twins, Patrick Scot and Aidan Michael, were born Aug. 9.

Wayne Caplan and his wife, Diane, welcomed a baby boy on Aug. 20. His name is Michael Bennett, and he weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces.

Thanks for all the updates. Hope the rest of you are enjoying your newfound freedom as much as I am. You can reach me at for updates in the months to come. Also, if you have not already done so, activate your alumni email account by going to and click on the Account & Password link. Thanks — Rick

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University