Kellogg World Alumni Magazine, Winter 2003Kellogg School of Management
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TMP 1998

Hello, TMP Class of 1998!

Before you hear about our latest alumni updates, I encourage you to sign up for email forwarding so that you will get exciting notices about our class and the Kellogg Alumni Club of Chicago. To establish your email forwarding, go to

Jilana Dellal writes: “I am now the New York Area class rep for the Class of 1998. Also, I am vice president of the Kellogg Alumni Club of New Jersey (KACNJ). The club started about two years ago, and we have just reconstituted the board because of some transfers and a couple of babies. The club is planning an MBA Update in January, the first one to be held outside of a major city. On a personal note, I got married Oct. 27, 2002, to Paul Hoffman, and now live in New Jersey. I still work at AT&T.”

The Kellogg Alumni Club of Chicago has held more than 35 events last year for Kellogg alumni and their families, and I encourage you to join the Chicagoland Kellogg community by becoming active or leading an initiative. You can visit our Web site at to learn more about what we have been up to. If you do not get our Kellogg Alumni Club of Chicago monthly newsletter, please contact requesting to be put on our distribution list.

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University