Kellogg World Alumni Magazine, Winter 2003Kellogg School of Management
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TMP 1997

Jim Nelles has left McKinsey to take the position of vice president, global procurement, for Pall Corp. Pall manufactures filtration products for use in medical and industrial applications. Jim and his wife, Beth, have relocated to Ann Arbor, Mich.

Ken Kring has just finished writing a book and is shopping it around to agents and publishers. The title is Strategy — Formulation, Execution Profitability: How to visually understand business opportunities from potential to profit and the points in-between.

After three years with PricewaterhouseCoopers doing strategy consulting and two years in a failed startup, Allan Caspar has come full circle. He is off the road and working in sales for IKON Office Solutions, doing a job that he helped to create during a complete restructuring of the company. Allan describes it as “the ultimate implementation experience. I focus on document strategy and run process improvement and costs savings projects for large corporate customers.” Allan, his wife, Tammy, and their kids, Dana, 8, Logan, 6, and Lane, 5, live in Deer Park, Ill. He can be reached at

On Aug. 9, Jill Brosig and her husband, Greg Nawrocki, welcomed their first child, Elise Rose. The family resides in Winfield, Ill. Jill has been with Motorola for 11 years. Her current position is with Motorola’s corporate initiatives group, where she is mobilizing Digital Six Sigma throughout the corporation. She moved into this role in May, after spending the previous two years in Motorola’s consulting group.

TMP alums travelling the world  
John Strelecky TMP ’97 and wife Cindy Zhao TMP ’00 in Tsing Dao, China, in the midst of their around-the-world trip.  

John Strelecky and his wife, Cindy Zhao TMP ’00, recently returned from a nine-month sabbatical during which they backpacked around the world, covering more than 70,000 miles. John is now working as a partner in the business philosophy practice of Morningstar Consulting Group ( and getting set for the release of his first novel, The Why Are You Here Café ( Cindy is the managing partner of a real-estate investment company that she started in Orlando, Fla.

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University